Hello, so this sounds just like your issue from 8 months ago that was resolved in chat but I can see the issue is actually related to the class change mentioned in this thread.
So in this file here: https://javicar.ee/wp-content/plugins/wooquote-product-inquiry/assets/js/frontend-script.js on lines 41-43 where you set the <code class=””>title variable:
if ( jQuery('#wcq_enquiry_cart_content_' + prod_id).find('form input.wpcf7-dynamic-text').length > 0 ) {
jQuery( '#wcq_enquiry_cart_content_' + prod_id ).find( 'form input.wpcf7-dynamic-text' ).val(title);
Replace that with this:
if(jQuery('#wcq_enquiry_cart_content_' + prod_id).find('form input.wpcf7dtx-text').length > 0) {
jQuery('#wcq_enquiry_cart_content_' + prod_id ).find('form input.wpcf7dtx-text').val(title);
And then if you’re still using WP Rocket cache on the site, you’ll need to manually clear the cache for that JS file so the minified version gets updated.