Hmm, I’m looking for something similar… custom post ordering.
Specifically, I am creating a page that lists a musician’s gigs. I have “Gigs” as a category. I originally thought that I would use the gig’s date as the post title, then date the post with the gig date. (I am then also syndicating the category headines–the gig dates–back to the home page.) What fails here is that WP won’t let me assign a published date for a post that is in the future; it defaults back to today.
I looked for event plugins, found a few but they seem to emply a table/grid calendar display. I simply want to post the gigs as regular posts. I also looked for musician and gig related plugins, but found none.
With all the band sites out there powered by WP, there has to be a solution out there for this.
All comments appreciated,
JF ??