Dynamic Values on Facebook Pixel Code
I have passed all the test cases about eposPayCenter redirection method.
I use Facebook Pixel Code in order to track analytics from my Facebook Campaign.So, when i choose COD method at the thankyou page I am seeing the dynamic values of {order_total} & {currency}, however that doesn’t happen when I go back to the thankyou page when I have selected to pay via Piraeus Portal. I am seeing the code but without the values!
So, also I noticed that the url when I choose COD method is /checkout/order-received/4072/?key=wc_order_5829baeb5b53a
But when i choose Piraeus choice, the url is /checkout/order-received/?StatusFlag=Success&MerchantReference=4071&HashKey=BFED6847E620AFE55F1E8D1175A247E72DDD7C0DCF9BDF7C811044D1D2AFB59A&Parameters=&ResultCode=0&TransactionId=56209342&SupportReferenceID=92129563&ApprovalCode=968116&ResponseCode=00&PackageNo=2&AuthStatus=03&ButtonSubmit=SubmitAny advice why this happens?
Best regards
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