dynx_ attribute except ecomm_ (dynamic remarketing)
Hello! Thanks for this great plugin!
Can you tell me how can I change Retail Vertical into Custom Vertical using dynx_ attribute except ecomm_? Here is attribute’s FAQ form Google – https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3455600?hl=enhttps://www.ads-software.com/plugins/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/
Currently this is not supported, you can change the prefix by editing the PHP code by yourself but after updating the plugin you will need to re-apply changes every time.
It is on my list to implement other dyn. remarketing variables than Retail but there are some tricky parts especially when setting prices without WooCommerce.
Thanks! Can you help me to modify your plugin? I can pay for that.
As I understood I need to change all ‘ecomm_’ prefixes to ‘dynx_’ and also ‘ecomm_prodid’ to ‘dynx_itemid’. Thats all I must to do in woocommerce.php or I must to change something else?
Yes, that should work! ??
Hi again!
I have trouble.. Google said that tag is not contain dynx_itemid parameter. Can you check my custom version of woocommerce.php? Whats wrong?
<?php $gtm4wp_product_counter = 0; function gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs( $js ) { global $woocommerce; if ( version_compare( $woocommerce->version, "2.1", ">=" ) ) { wc_enqueue_js( $js ); } else { $woocommerce->add_inline_js( $js ); } } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_datalayer_filter_items( $dataLayer ) { global $woocommerce, $gtm4wp_options, $wp_query, $gtm4wp_datalayer_name, $gtm4wp_product_counter; if ( is_product_category() || is_product_tag() || is_front_page() || is_shop() ) { if ( ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) || ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) ) { if ( count( $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids ) > 0 ) { // The following 5 lines are being borrowed from WC source $paged = max( 1, $wp_query->get( 'paged' ) ); $per_page = $wp_query->get( 'posts_per_page' ); $total = $wp_query->found_posts; $first = ( $per_page * $paged ) - $per_page + 1; $last = min( $total, $wp_query->get( 'posts_per_page' ) * $paged ); $gtm4wp_product_counter = $first; $sumprice = 0; $product_ids = array(); $product_impressions = array(); $_temp_product_id_list = $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids; $i = ($first-1); foreach( $_temp_product_id_list as $itemid => $oneproductid ) { $product = get_product( $oneproductid ); if ( false === $product ) { continue; } $product_price = $product->get_price(); $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array($_product_cats) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } $sumprice += $product_price; $product_ids[] = "'" . $oneproductid . "'"; $product_impressions[] = "{'name': '" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $product->get_title() ) . "', 'id': '" . $oneproductid . "', 'price': '" . $product_price . "', 'category': '" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $product_cat ) . "', 'position': " . ($i+1) . " }"; $i++; if ( $i>$last ) { break; } } if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) { $dataLayer["dynx_itemid"] = '-~-[' . implode( ", ", $product_ids ) . ']-~-'; $dataLayer["dynx_pagetype"] = ( is_front_page() ? "home" : "category" ); $dataLayer["dynx_totalvalue"] = $sumprice; } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { $dataLayer["ecommerce"] = "-~-{'impressions': [".implode(", ", $product_impressions)."]}-~-"; } } } } else if ( is_product() ) { if ( ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) || ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) ) { $prodid = get_the_ID(); $product = get_product( $prodid ); $product_price = $product->get_price(); $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array($_product_cats) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) { $dataLayer["dynx_itemid"] = $prodid; $dataLayer["dynx_pagetype"] = "product"; $dataLayer["dynx_totalvalue"] = $product_price; } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { $dataLayer["ecommerce"] = "-~-{'detail': {'products': [{'name': '" . str_replace( "'", "", get_the_title() ) . "', 'id': '" . $prodid . "', 'price': '" . $product_price . "', 'category': '" . str_replace( "'", "", $product_cat ) . "'}]}}-~-"; } } } else if ( is_cart() ) { if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.product-remove').click(function() { var productdata = $( this ) .parent() .find( '.gtm4wp_productdata' ); ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.removeFromCart', 'ecommerce': { 'remove': { 'products': [{ 'name': productdata.data( 'product_name' ), 'id': productdata.data( 'product_id' ), 'price': productdata.data( 'product_price' ), 'category': productdata.data( 'product_cat' ), 'quantity': $( this ).parent().parent().find( '.product-quantity input.qty' ).val() }] } } }); }); "); } if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) { $products = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart(); $product_ids = array(); foreach( $products as $oneproduct ) { $product_ids[] = "'" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $oneproduct['product_id'] ) . "'"; } $dataLayer["dynx_itemid"] = '-~-[' . implode( ", ", $product_ids ) . ']-~-'; $dataLayer["dynx_pagetype"] = "cart"; $dataLayer["dynx_totalvalue"] = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_total; } } else if ( is_order_received_page() ) { $order_id = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_thankyou_order_id', empty( $_GET['order'] ) ? ($GLOBALS["wp"]->query_vars["order-received"] ? $GLOBALS["wp"]->query_vars["order-received"] : 0) : absint( $_GET['order'] ) ); $order_key = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_thankyou_order_key', empty( $_GET['key'] ) ? '' : woocommerce_clean( $_GET['key'] ) ); if ( $order_id > 0 ) { $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); if ( $order->order_key != $order_key ) unset( $order ); } if ( 1 == get_post_meta( $order_id, '_ga_tracked', true ) ) { unset( $order ); } if ( isset( $order ) ) { if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKCLASSICEC ] ) { $dataLayer["transactionId"] = $order->get_order_number(); $dataLayer["transactionDate"] = date("c"); $dataLayer["transactionType"] = "sale"; $dataLayer["transactionAffiliation"] = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); $dataLayer["transactionTotal"] = $order->get_total(); $dataLayer["transactionShipping"] = $order->get_total_shipping(); $dataLayer["transactionTax"] = $order->get_total_tax(); $dataLayer["transactionPaymentType"] = $order->payment_method_title; $dataLayer["transactionCurrency"] = get_woocommerce_currency(); $dataLayer["transactionShippingMethod"] = $order->get_shipping_method(); $dataLayer["transactionPromoCode"] = implode( ", ", $order->get_used_coupons() ); } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { $dataLayer["ecommerce"] = "-~-{'purchase': {'actionField': {'id': '" . $order->get_order_number() . "', 'affiliation': '" . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . "', 'revenue': '" . $order->get_total() . "', 'tax': '" . $order->get_total_tax() . "', 'shipping': '" . $order->get_total_shipping() . "'}, "; } $_products = array(); $_sumprice = 0; $_product_ids = array(); if ( $order->get_items() ) { foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { $_product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item ); $variation_data = null; if (get_class($_product) == "WC_Product_Variation") { $variation_data = $_product->get_variation_attributes(); } if ( isset( $variation_data ) ) { $_category = woocommerce_get_formatted_variation( $_product->variation_data, true ); } else { $out = array(); $categories = get_the_terms( $_product->id, 'product_cat' ); if ( $categories ) { foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $out[] = $category->name; } } $_category = implode( " / ", $out ); } $_prodprice = $order->get_item_total( $item ); $_products[] = array( "id" => $_product->id, "name" => $item['name'], "sku" => $_product->get_sku() ? __( 'SKU:', GTM4WP_TEXTDOMAIN ) . ' ' . $_product->get_sku() : $_product->id, "category" => $_category, "price" => $_prodprice, "currency" => get_woocommerce_currency(), "quantity" => $item['qty'] ); $_sumprice += $_prodprice; $_product_ids[] = "'" . $_product->id . "'"; } } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKCLASSICEC ] ) { $dataLayer["transactionProducts"] = $_products; $dataLayer["event"] = "gtm4wp.orderCompleted"; } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { $dataLayer["ecommerce"] .= "'products': ".str_replace('"', "'", json_encode($_products))." }}-~-"; $dataLayer["event"] = "gtm4wp.orderCompleted"; } if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) { $dataLayer["dynx_itemid"] = '-~-[' . implode(", ", $_product_ids) . ']-~-'; $dataLayer["dynx_pagetype"] = "purchase"; $dataLayer["dynx_totalvalue"] = $_sumprice; } // update_post_meta( $order_id, '_ga_tracked', 1 ); } } else if ( is_checkout() ) { if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { foreach( $woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_id => $cart_item_data) { $product = $cart_item_data["data"]; $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array($_product_cats) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } $gtm4wp_checkout_products[] = "{'name': '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $product->post->post_title) . "', 'id': '" . $product->id . "', 'price': '" . $product->get_price() . "', 'category': '" . $product_cat . "', 'quantity': '" . $cart_item_data["quantity"] . "'}"; } $dataLayer["ecommerce"] = "-~-{'checkout': {'actionField': {'step': 1}, 'products':[" . implode(", ", $gtm4wp_checkout_products) . "]}}-~-"; } } else { if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMARKETING ] ) { $dataLayer["dynx_pagetype"] = "siteview"; } } return $dataLayer; } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_single_add_to_cart_tracking() { if ( ! is_single() ) { return; } global $product, $woocommerce, $gtm4wp_datalayer_name, $gtm4wp_options; if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKCLASSICEC ] ) { gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.single_add_to_cart_button').click(function() { ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.addProductToCart', 'productName': '". esc_js( $product->post->post_title ) ."', 'productSKU': '". esc_js( $product->get_sku() ) ."', 'productID': '". esc_js( $product->id ) ."' }); }); "); } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array($_product_cats) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.single_add_to_cart_button').click(function() { ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.addProductToCart', 'ecommerce': { 'currencyCode': '".get_woocommerce_currency()."', 'add': { 'products': [{ 'name': '". esc_js( $product->post->post_title ) ."', 'id': '". esc_js( $product->id ) ."', 'price': '". esc_js( $product->get_price() ) ."', 'category': '". esc_js( $product_cat ) ."', 'quantity': $('form.cart:first input[name=quantity]').val() }] } } }); }); "); } } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_wp_footer() { global $woocommerce, $gtm4wp_options, $gtm4wp_datalayer_name; if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKCLASSICEC ] ) { gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.add_to_cart_button:not(.product_type_variable, .product_type_grouped)').click(function() { ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.addProductToCart', 'productName': $( this ).parent().find('h3').text(), 'productSKU': $( this ).data( 'product_sku' ), 'productID': $( this ).data( 'product_id' ), }); }); "); } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.add_to_cart_button:not(.product_type_variable, .product_type_grouped)').click(function() { var productdata = $( this ).closest( 'li' ).find( 'a .gtm4wp_productdata' ); ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.addProductToCart', 'ecommerce': { 'currencyCode': '".get_woocommerce_currency()."', 'add': { 'products': [{ 'name': productdata.data( 'product_name' ), 'id': productdata.data( 'product_id' ), 'price': productdata.data( 'product_price' ), 'category': productdata.data( 'product_cat' ), 'quantity': 1 }] } } }); }); "); } } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_enhanced_ecom_product_click() { global $woocommerce, $gtm4wp_datalayer_name; gtm4wp_woocommerce_addjs(" $('.products li a:not(.add_to_cart_button)').click(function() { var productdata = $( this ).find( '.gtm4wp_productdata' ); if ( 0 == productdata.length ) { return true; } ". $gtm4wp_datalayer_name .".push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.productClick', 'ecommerce': { 'click': { 'products': [{ 'name': productdata.data( 'product_name' ), 'id': productdata.data( 'product_id' ), 'price': productdata.data( 'product_price' ), 'category': productdata.data( 'product_cat' ), 'position': productdata.data( 'product_listposition' ) }] } }, 'eventCallback': function() { document.location = productdata.data( 'product_url' ) } }); return false; }); "); } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_enhanced_ecom_add_prod_data() { global $product, $gtm4wp_product_counter; $product_price = $product->get_price(); $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array($_product_cats) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } echo '<span class="gtm4wp_productdata" data-product_id="' . $product->id . '" data-product_name="' . str_replace( '"', '"', $product->get_title() ) . '" data-product_price="' .$product_price . '" data-product_cat="' . str_replace( '"', '"', $product_cat ) . '" data-product_url="' . get_permalink() . '" data-product_listposition="' . $gtm4wp_product_counter . '"></span>'; $gtm4wp_product_counter++; } $GLOBALS["gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata"] = ''; function gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_product_filter($product) { $product_price = $product->get_price(); $_product_cats = get_the_terms($product->id, 'product_cat'); if ( ( is_array( $_product_cats ) ) && ( count( $_product_cats ) > 0 ) ) { $product_cat = array_pop( $_product_cats ); $product_cat = $product_cat->name; } else { $product_cat = ""; } $GLOBALS["gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata"] = '<span class="gtm4wp_productdata" data-product_id="' . $product->id . '" data-product_name="' . str_replace( '"', '"', $product->get_title() ) . '" data-product_price="' .$product_price . '" data-product_cat="' . str_replace( '"', '"', $product_cat ) . '" data-product_url="' . get_permalink() . '"></span>'; return $product; } function gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link_filter($arg) { echo $GLOBALS["gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata"]; $GLOBALS["gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata"] = ''; return $arg; } // do not add filter if someone enabled WooCommerce integration without an activated WooCommerce plugin if ( isset ( $GLOBALS["woocommerce"] ) ) { add_filter( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_COMPILE_DATALAYER, "gtm4wp_woocommerce_datalayer_filter_items" ); add_filter( "woocommerce_cart_item_product", "gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_product_filter" ); add_filter( "woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link", "gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link_filter" ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', "gtm4wp_woocommerce_single_add_to_cart_tracking" ); add_action( 'wp_footer', "gtm4wp_woocommerce_wp_footer" ); if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKENHANCEDEC ] ) { add_action( 'wp_footer', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_enhanced_ecom_product_click' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_enhanced_ecom_add_prod_data' ); } }
Or maybe I need to turn on something in your plugin to start dynamic remarketing?
Hi Victor,
Pls post the address of your site so that I can check it.
Btw did you add those dataLayer variables to your remarketing tag?
There is a “Custom Parameters” section in the settings of your AdWords Remarketing tag in GTM where you have to add all three parameters added to the dataLayer by the plugin.Cheers,
ThomasMy site is – lightmuzikmastering.ru/order
I don’t add anything in GTM. Now I found this.
Tell me please what I must to add in this fields: Key and ValueKey: dynx_itemid
Value: ?Key: dynx_pagetype
Value: ?Key: dynx_totalvalue
Value: ?Where I must see values?
(maybe altering the plugin code wasn’t a good idea since we setup AdWords remarketing field names in GTM)
You have to create 3 new GTM variables/macros.
Each should have a type of “Data Layer Variable” and you should enter the keys you mentioned.You can add those new GTM variables in the “Value” parameters of the remarketing tag’s custom parameter section.
Still can’t setup.. Can you please check this 3 screenshots. What I doing wrong?
3_Macros_config (Also I made dynx_pagetype and dynx_totalvalue)Hi,
I cannot see any AdWords remarketing tag activating on you site:
https://lightmuzikmastering.ru/product/mixing-ultra-lite/Please check your firing rule and also please check whether you created and published a new version after adding manual parameters to your remarketing tag.
Can I hire you? I really tired to setup this.. Tried do this via Adwords, via Analitycs, via Merchant Center and finally via GTM with your plugin.
Can I give you access to my GTM?
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