• Resolved jimbob0898


    Hi there, for the last week or so I’ve been trying to sort this out and after lots of searching and head scrathing I thought that I’d ask you guys.

    I’ve installed e-commerce lite (great plugin btw) on my site, https://www.jamtec.co.uk. I’ve been trying to exclude the child pages; Checkout, Enter Your Details and Transaction Results, but I’m getting nowhere and I’m not sure why.

    I’ve tried the excluding suggestions in the Codex and the help files and nothing is working. I’ve currently adjusted the sidebar.php file to

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>&exclude=35,36,37’); ?>

    Is it not working because they’re child pages? I’m guessing not because I’ve tried to exclude the parent page as well and had no luck (with and without the child pages).

    Any insight and/or suggestions would be really appreciated. I’m using WP 2.0.2 and the latest version of e-commerce lite.

    Thanks, James.

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  • Thread Starter jimbob0898


    Got it sorted, it was due to the sidebar widget. I was trying to alter the sidebar.php whereas I should have been changing the widget.php.

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