Thanks for your answer, but again, the issue is not due to the email which is used as FROM. The email used is located on the server.
Moreover there is no issue in the EMAIL (2) for the same configuration as EMAIL (1) (FROM, TO, REPLY TO). I received the EMAIL (2) but not the EMAIL (1).
I trided to set the same html code that I have in the EMAIL (2), in that case I received the EMAIL (1)
I noticed something else (I used the capatcha V2), the capatcha code is always the same and when I click on the button submit I don’t have any message (email sent or error message). I am just receiving the EMAIL (2) but not the EMAIL1)
As a reminder everything was functionnal before the update to Contact form 7 v5.1.6. No modification had been set from me.
So I think the issue is in the HTML BODY of the EMAIL (1). But I am not understand why.