• skyline49


    I’m having trouble getting an e-mail notification for comments posted or comments awaiting moderation. I’m not getting any emails notifying me of postings.

    Currently, I have my email listed under Settings->General, and I have set under Settings->Discussion to:

    E-mail me whenever
    – Anyone posts a comment
    – A comment is held for moderation

    Before a comment appears:
    – An administrator must always approve the comment

    Comment Moderation:
    I’ve deleted the number of links so the field is empty (so that all comments are filtered into moderation).

    I’ve tried making sure I have the right version, reloading the software, and making sure that our settings are set right. I know that a plug-in isn’t necessary for this feature to work, but at this time, I’ll pretty much do anything to get this working.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I may have totally overlooked something, so anything would be helpful. Thanks!

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  • I’m having the same issue using WP 2.8.4, and it seems to have started when I switched web hosting to justhost.com, although I don’t see what the webhost would have to do with why I’m not getting email notifications for either comments held in moderation or comments that are published.

    I am having the same issue and it started after 2.8.4 but not immediately it seems. I have checked the SPAM folder too, nothing there.

    We have a site where we get an email whenever a comment is approved, but not when the email originally goes into the queue for moderation.

    Also 2.8.4

    I have WordPress 2.8.5 and do not get emailed whenever comments are posted. I have both options checked: Anyone posts a comment and A comment is held for moderation.

    Mine also worked for a long time and then recently started silently failing. It’s quite annoying not to get notified.

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