• Just installed this and am beginning my testing to see if this will work for my needs.. I have the VERY same problem reported here:

    The e-mails generated from this plugin are not formatted correctly. When viewing them in Outlook I get this:

    — do not edit — Jessica Rabbit, Our customer care team has created a ticket, #885133 on your behalf, with t= he following message. I need to be VERY clear that updating and transferring your old ZC DB will = NOT update any of your installed modules.. You will need to go through your= store and update/re-install any modules you have installed.. If you wish to provide additional comments or information regarding this is= sue, please don’t open a new ticket. You can update or view this ticket’s p= rogress online here: https://mydomain.com/tickets-2/?/view.php?t=885=

    When viewing them on my smartphone (Android) I get this:

    — do not edit —

    Jessica Rabbit,

    Our customer care team has created a ticket,
    #885133 on your behalf, with t
    he following message.

    I need to be VERY clear that updating and transferring your old ZC DB will
    NOT update any of your installed modules.. You will need to go through your
    store and update/re-install any modules you have installed..

    If you wish to provide additional comments or information regarding this is
    sue, please don’t open a new ticket. You can update or view this ticket’s p
    rogress online here: https://mydomain.com/tickets-2/?/view.php?t=885

    Not only are the e-mails malformed, but the URL to the ticket is incorrect.. I am directed to a page to create a new ticket which I think is the default when attempting to access a picket page that doesn’t exist.

    Any fix to this??


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author zingiri


    I suppose this is the auto responder message?
    Could you post the full message as you defined it in the configuration?

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    I didn’t define anything.. This is the stock “New Ticket Notice” email template.. Since you asked.. This is what it looks like.. As you can see the actual output is MUCH different..


    Our customer care team has created a ticket, #%{ticket.number} on your behalf, with the following message.


    If you wish to provide additional comments or information regarding this issue, please don’t open a new ticket. You can update or view this ticket’s progress online here:


    Plugin Author zingiri


    Is your WP install on a public server or is it a local server? I noticed the https://mydomain.com

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Not a REAL domain.. I hid my domain so as to not have the search engines pickup the URL to my test ticket..

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    As a part of my testing, I installed the standalone version of osTickets to compare to this plugin. I noticed that I do not have issues with the outbound e-mail format.. the URLS are correct and the emails are formated as expected..

    Thread Starter DivaVocals


    Well I’m gonna stick with the standalone version of osTickets. I’ll continue to monitor this plugin (and this thread) in the event that this issue get’s addressed.. In the end I’ve decided that the SMALL benefit of having osTickets integrated as a part of my WordPress main site is negated by the e-mail formatting issue in this plugin.

    This is a deal breaker for me.. I was hoping to test the free version before making a commitment to the premium version. Not so sure I want to invest in the premium version when the free one has what is IMHO a pretty serious defect. (looks like this one has been around for a while too)


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