• I’ve noticed that WP does not archive each entry separately, but just displays all the posts in a category on one file. Is there a way to change this?
    I want it to look like this:
    Category Name
    Link to Post 1
    Link to Post 2
    Link to Post 3
    Instead of just have it all on one page. Is there a way for this to be done? Thanks for your help ??

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  • I’d like to be able to do this too!

    If you mean like this:
    get the narchives hack.

    This hack shows everything, but perhaps too much to the liking of juliecookies. I also looked for a way to let people first choose a category and then displaying that same page with a title “categorytitle” and a list of all the posts with permalinks which would result, again, in that same page (with list + pagetitle) but then displaying only the content of that one post.
    This would look nice when you have a category within your blog that says “Poems”, because a poem is nicer to read when it’s a single poem isolated in a page, instead of fifty poems on one page.

    That is a function of how you have permalinks set up in WP, not done within narchives.

    Where do I find the narchives hack? It might be closer to what I’m looking for than what I have right now ??
    You said it, Moxie, “This would look nice when you have a category within your blog that says “Poems”, because a poem is nicer to read when it’s a single poem isolated in a page, instead of fifty poems on one page.” This is exactly what I’m hoping to accomplish.

    For hack and other documentation don’t hesitate to read a little bit on the Wiki!
    In the top horizontal menu click DOCS, then take a look at the right menu ??

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