• Hi there!

    I’ve read here and there through some code, but I’m a real noob when it comes to code and actually don’t have the time to dive deep into it. I was hoping to find out if there’s an easy way to accomplish what I want, without changing too much code (so when I update to a newer version of my K2 theme, every stays in tact). Perhaps I will need to work with templates, I don’t know.

    So to the point, what I’m trying to accomplish is, as the title says, having two pages with each showing posts of only one of the in total two categories with ID 4 and 7.

    I now have 5 pages of which I have created 4 myself: Blog, Portfolio, Contact, Links, Archives.

    The first page, Blog, is probably created by WordPress and shows posts of both categories. I would like to change this, so it only shows posts of the category with ID 4 (And if possible without changing much code, at a later stage other categories as well, except for category 7).

    The second page, Portfolio, is a page I created in the dashboard to display some pictures on it. So it’s not a posts page. I like to change it’s name to Photoblog, and have it only display posts with category ID 7.

    This way I want to be able to have a photoblog on the second page on which people can comment.

    What I have accomplished myself so far: I made a template which displays posts from only one category, except it shows “archive for the xx category” at the top.

    I hope you guys can help me! Thanks in advance.


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  • whoops, sorry – i failed to catch the part about 3 different categories on one page. i’ll pay better attention next time. ??



    Hi all,

    I have a problem which u ppl might help. im developing english and arabic website using wordpress. i have created to home page one with arbic layput and one with english layout. The pages part are working fine. but when it comes to category…i have one arhive.php to display categories in english. but how should i display arabic categories??? if a create another archive_ar.php ..which i have done for pages… i cant select the archive_ar.php from admin of post write.

    I hope im clear…..

    Can any body help…

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