• Mark


    Hi Guys

    Wonder if you can help. I am running Easing Slider plugin on my website Click here but the slideshow images are not loading in Internet Explorer 9. I have tried switching the Load jQuery? to true and false but no luck.

    Any ideas on how to get this to work in IE 9?


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  • mallsop: I tried using that, to no avail.

    Try the following. Should work for IE9 32-bit & 64-bit.

    Add it before the final </head> in your theme’s header.php file (or the appropriate file).

    <?php $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n\n";
    	$search = strpos( $browser, 'Win64' );
    	if ( $search != false && $search != 0 && $search != '' ) {
    		// This is for IE9 64-bit.
    		echo '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8"/>';
    	} else {
    		// And this is for IE9 32-bit.
    		echo '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>';
    } ?>

    Still doesn’t seem to do the trick. My slider is still not loading in IE9

    I am having the same exact problem. In IE9 64bit it is not working on this site: https://honestpt.moorewebexposure.com/ However on two other sites I am using it on it is working: https://www.lightthebridges.org/ and https://www.laurelstonesoaps.com/. Very strange. Hope the developer releases a fix soon!

    yeah i thought it would work. dang. thinking what else todo…

    Go to wp-content/plugins/easing-slider/js/ and find the js file named slider.js. On line 36, you will find:
    isPreloaded: true

    Change that to

    isPreloaded: false

    Should work for IE9 then.

    Yes – that’s the fix! Well done ehoanshelt. The other fixes weren’t working consistently for me.
    Seems to be in a file called script.js though.
    Hopefully that will get included in an update?

    my applogies, I meant to type script.js.


    • Go to wp-content/plugins/easing-slider/js/script.js
    • Go to line 36 and find isPreloaded: true
    • Change to isPreloaded: false

    This is the fix until the developer updates the plugin

    That fix worked. Thanks!

    Finally, a solution. Thanks ehounshelt, it worked!

    Thanks ehoanshelt, finally I solved this problem!

    @ehoanshelt, thanks for the fix! To make it more selective, so that it only sets isPreloaded to false on IE9, try this one:

    isPreloaded: !(document.documentMode && document.documentMode == 9)

    All IE9 issues have been fixed with the 1.1.8 update. Make sure you install it asap! Enjoy.

    Great stuff Matthew, thanks. Haven’t tested in IE9 yet, but will soon. However, please note that you have not updated the version information in add_scripts and add_styles — still set at 1.1.7, so no forced reload of scripts or styles.

    G’day, 1.1.8 fixes IE9 on second and later loads, but problem persists on first load. If you clear your browser cache, then visit a page with the slideshow, it will not load on IE9. If you refresh, it will load.

    Replace line #97 of script.js in version 1.1.8 with the following to fix for the moment:

    isPreloaded: !(document.documentMode && document.documentMode == 9),

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