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  • Now there is left:


    Which still causes an “Uncaught SyntaxError”. You can see it in the Console tab of your browser developer tools (key F12 in Chrome for example).

    Appreciate the assistance @ravanh however have removed this and no joy?…

    If you use the browser dev tools to see the console errors, you’ll notice there are still 3 errors left:

    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [href=#header]
    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [href=#what-is-the-bnc-global-event-show]
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollIntoView' of null

    You’ll have to fix these errors before any following script (like fancybox) will start working.

    Hint: the first two errors are related to the fact that something like [href=#header] without quotes wrapping the #header is not allowed anymore in jQuery 1.12+

    The third error might be automagically fixed after fixing the first two.

    It’s coming from the themes script file … if there is a theme update available then better get that or report the jQuery 1.12 incompatibility to the theme developer.

    Or contact me via if you would like me to patch the script code for you.

    Thanks will give it a go



    Hi RavanH-

    I’m new to this forum and have a serious problem with what I think is my Easy FancyBox and Easy FancyBox – Pro extension plugins. A little background info: I did not create the company website, but I have been tasked with trying to figure out why the company website is not working properly all of a sudden. Both our Company Executives and Facilities pages do not display the small pop-up thumbnails with descriptive text anymore. Instead, when the larger images are clicked on, they display this type of line in the browser (instead of doing what it’s supposed to):
    I am not a programmer, nor do I know how to code. Our website has been created through WordPress by someone who used to work here and all I do is update the news posts or change facility imagery from time to time. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me. Sincerely, Lou F.



    ….And our site link is:



    Hi @smgworld wrong plugin: This is “Easy FancyBox”, not “Fancybox for WordPress”.

    Create a new topic here at the bottom. Please don’t append your question to an existing thread unless you are absolutely sure your case is the same as the thread’s original issue. Thanks ??



    I apologize RavanH!
    I will do as you instruct.





    I’ve been checking out all solutions in this blog.
    The Easy FancyBox plugin stopped working all of a sudden between now and two weeks ago.
    I’ve tried disabling all plugins and switched to a default theme but all with no luck.

    Also I contacted my hosting provider about Google Page Speed and they say they can’t switch anything on or off for me.
    They also claimed nothing has changed in their server configuration.

    So now I’m stuck and desperate!!!

    I’m using a contact form made in Contact Form 7, in a pop up.
    As far as I know I didn’t change anything related causing it to disfunction.

    I hope someone can help me?

    The site’s page example is:

    and it’s about the button “INFORMATIE AANVRAGEN”.

    Thanks in advance,
    Muriel Buis

    Hi Muriel, the fact that FancyBox is not working anymore is a symptom of another problem. Something else on the site is causing a blocking script error which in turn causes all subsequent jQuery script (in this case FancyBox) to fail.

    The error is:

    Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).mobileMenu is not a function

    You’ll need to find out where that comes from but it sounds like something related to your theme…

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