Easy Plug-in Question for School Site
The H3 title (Chapter Pics) of this plug-in shows up in different sizes in Firefox and IE on my non-profit site here. I’m stumped on the css to add to the plug-in theme and where to put it. Any help is really appreciated, theme follows below:
Plugin Name: PictureGrid
Plugin URI: https://kierandelaney.net/projects/picturegrid/
Description: Picturegrid – Add flickr to your blog, no mess, no fuss. To make use of the lightbox functionality, you will need a lightbox plugin (like this one – no relation).
Version: 1.0
Author: Kieran Delaney
Author URI: https://kierandelaney.net/Copyright 2007 Kieran Delaney (email : [email protected])
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
*///create options page
function picturegridOptions() {
if (function_exists(‘add_options_page’)) {
add_options_page(‘Picturegrid Options’, ‘Picturegrid’, 8, basename(__FILE__), ‘picturegridOptionsPage’);
}//build options page
function picturegridOptionsPage() {
if (isset($_POST[‘info_update’])) { ?>
<div id=”message” class=”updated fade”>
<?phpif(!$_POST[‘flickrID’]) {
_e(‘ERROR: You need to enter a Flickr ID!
‘, ‘English’);
} else {
_e(‘Flickr ID Updated
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘flickrID’, $_POST[‘flickrID’]);
}if(!$_POST[‘apiKey’]) {
_e(‘ERROR: You need to enter a Flickr API Key!
‘, ‘English’);
} else {
_e(‘API Key Updated
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘apiKey’, $_POST[‘apiKey’]);
}if($_POST[‘pictureSet’]) {
if(!$_POST[‘setID’]) {
_e(‘ERROR: Enter a Flickr Set ID or choose recent photos.
‘, ‘English’);
} else {
update_option(‘setID’, $_POST[‘setID’]);
_e(‘Set ID Updated
‘, ‘English’);
} else {
update_option(‘setID’, ‘recent’);
_e(‘Using Recent Photos
‘, ‘English’);
if($_POST[‘photolimit’] > 500) {
_e(‘ERROR: Limit of 500 photos.
‘, ‘English’);
} elseif($_POST[‘photolimit’] < 1) {
_e(‘ERROR: You\’ve got to have at least one photo!
‘, ‘English’);
} else {
_e(‘Photolimit Updated
update_option(‘photolimit’, $_POST[‘photolimit’]);
} else {
_e(‘ERROR: No Photo Limit Defined
}if($_POST[‘p_lightbox’]) {
_e(‘Using Lightbox
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘p_lightbox’, 1);
} else {
update_option(‘p_lightbox’, 0);
_e(‘Linking Thumbs To Flickr
‘, ‘English’);
}if($_POST[‘img_margin’]) {
_e(‘Img Margin Updated
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘img_margin’, $_POST[‘img_margin’]);
} else {
_e(‘No Margin Entered, Using 0
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘img_margin’, ‘0’);
}if($_POST[‘border_size’]) {
_e(‘Img Border Size Updated
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘border_size’, $_POST[‘border_size’]);
} else {
_e(‘No Border Size Entered, Using 0
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘border_size’, ‘0’);
}if($_POST[‘border_color’]) {
_e(‘Img Border Colour Updated
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘border_color’, str_pad(strtoupper($_POST[‘border_color’]), 6, ‘0’));
} else {
_e(‘No Border Colour Entered, Using Black
‘, ‘English’);
update_option(‘border_color’, ‘000000’);
<?php } ?><div class=wrap>
<form method=”post”>
<?php echo ‘<h2>Picturegrid Options</h2>’; ?>
<p><?php _e(‘Picturegrid will insert a grid of flickr photos into a wordpress page anywhere you use the function picturegrid() – See the Picturegrid WP Plugin Website for documentation and updates. Insert photos into your sidebar, or create an entire gallery all with one simple plugin. You MUST have a lighbox plugin installed in order to use the lightbox functionality.Remember, insert < ? php picturegrid(); ? > (with proper php tags) into any page template to insert the picturegrid.’, ‘English’); ?></p>
<fieldset name=”flickr_ID”>
<h3><?php _e(‘Flickr ID’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label for=”flickrID”><?php _e(‘Your Flickr ID (Try idgettr)’, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”flickrID” id=”flickrID” maxlength=”20″ size=”20″ value=”<?php if(get_option(‘flickrID’)) echo get_option(‘flickrID’); ?>” />
</fieldset><fieldset name=”api_key”>
<h3><?php _e(‘API Key’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label for=”apiKey”><?php _e(‘Your Flickr API Key (Try Flickr API Keys)’, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”apiKey” id=”apiKey” maxlength=”40″ size=”40″ value=”<?php if(get_option(‘apiKey’)) echo get_option(‘apiKey’); ?>” />
</fieldset><fieldset name=”set_ID”>
<h3><?php _e(‘Flickr Set To Use’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label><input name=”pictureSet” type=”radio” value=”1″ class=”tog” <?php if(get_option(‘setID’) != ‘recent’) echo ‘checked == “1” ‘; ?>/><?php _e(‘ Choose a specific set to display -‘, ‘English’) ?></label>
<label for=”setID”><?php _e(‘id’, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”setID” id=”setID” maxlength=”20″ size=”20″ value=”<?php if(get_option(‘setID’) != ‘recent’) echo get_option(‘setID’); ?>” /><label><input name=”pictureSet” type=”radio” value=”0″ class=”tog” <?php if(get_option(‘setID’) == ‘recent’) echo ‘checked == “1” ‘; ?>/><?php _e(‘ Use recent photos from all sets (not recomended, you cannot order photos out of sets)’, ‘English’) ?></label>
</fieldset><fieldset name=”limit”>
<h3><?php _e(‘Photo Options’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label for=”photolimit”><?php _e(‘Number Of Photos (1-500)’, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”photolimit” id=”photolimit” maxlength=”3″ size=”4″ value=”<?php if(get_option(‘photolimit’)) echo get_option(‘photolimit’); ?>” />
</fieldset><fieldset name=”lbox”>
<h3><?php _e(‘Lightbox Options’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label><input name=”p_lightbox” type=”radio” value=”1″ class=”tog” <?php if(get_option(‘p_lightbox’) == 1) echo ‘checked == “1” ‘; ?>/><?php _e(‘ Yes! I have a lighbox plugin installed – make me pretty.’, ‘English’) ?></label><label><input name=”p_lightbox” type=”radio” value=”0″ class=”tog” <?php if(get_option(‘p_lightbox’) == 0) echo ‘checked == “1” ‘; ?>/><?php _e(‘ No – I\’m all about the simple. Link each image to flickr plz.’, ‘English’) ?></label>
</fieldset><fieldset name=”style”>
<h3><?php _e(‘Style Options’, ‘English’); ?></h3>
<label for=”img_margin”><?php _e(‘Image Margin (pixels) ‘, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”img_margin” id=”img_margin” maxlength=”1″ size=”1″ value=”<?php echo get_option(‘img_margin’); ?>” />
<label for=”border_size”><?php _e(‘Image Border (pixels) ‘, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”border_size” id=”border_size” maxlength=”1″ size=”1″ value=”<?php echo get_option(‘border_size’); ?>” />
<label for=”img_margin”><?php _e(‘Border Color (Hex) #’, ‘English’) ?></label>
<input type=”text” name=”border_color” id=”border_color” maxlength=”6″ size=”6″ value=”<?php echo get_option(‘border_color’); ?>” />
</fieldset><div class=”submit”>
<input type=”submit” name=”info_update” value=”<?php _e(‘Update Options’, ‘English’); ?> »” />
<?php }function picturegrid(){
echo ‘<style type=”text/css”> #picturegrid img {padding: 0px; margin: ‘ . get_option(‘img_margin’);
echo ‘px; border: ‘ . get_option(‘border_size’);
echo ‘px #’ . get_option(‘border_color’);
echo ‘ solid;} #picturegrid a:hover img {filter: xray; opacity:.10; text-decoration: none;} </style>’;$config_flickrUserId = get_option(‘flickrID’);
$config_flickrApiKey = get_option(‘apiKey’);
$f = new phpFlickr($config_flickrApiKey);
echo “<div id=’picturegrid’>”;$set = get_option(‘setID’);
if ($set!=’recent’) {
$photoSet = $f->photosets_getInfo($set);
$photos = $f->photosets_getPhotos($set, “original_format,date_taken,date_upload”, NULL, get_option(‘photolimit’));
} else {
$photos = $f->people_getPublicPhotos(get_option(‘flickrID’), NULL, get_option(‘photolimit’));
}if (get_option(‘p_lightbox’)==1) {
foreach ($photos[‘photo’] as $photo) {
$photo_thumbs .= “buildPhotoURL($photo, “Medium”) . “‘ rel=’lightbox[]’ title='” . $photo[‘title’] . “‘ alt=”><img src='” . $f->buildPhotoURL($photo, “Square”) . “‘ title='” . $photo[‘title’] . “‘ alt=”/>“;
} else {
foreach ($photos[‘photo’] as $photo) {
$photo_thumbs .= “<img src='” . $f->buildPhotoURL($photo, “Square”) . “‘ title='” . $photo[‘title’] . “‘ alt=”/>“;
}echo $photo_thumbs . “</div>”;
function doRegisterWidget()
if (function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’)){
register_sidebar_widget(‘Picturegrid’, ‘pictureWidget’);
}function pictureWidget($args)
extract($args);echo $before_widget;
echo $before_title;
echo ‘<h3>Chapter Pics</h3>’;
echo $after_title;picturegrid();
echo $after_widget;
//set initial defaults
add_option(‘flickrID’, ”);
add_option(‘photolimit’, 0);
add_option(‘setID’, ”);
add_option(‘apiKey’, ”);
add_option(‘p_lightbox’, 0);
add_option(‘img_margin’, 4);
add_option(‘border_size’, 1);
add_option(‘border_color’, “000000”);// Add a new submenu
add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘picturegridOptions’);
add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘doRegisterWidget’);
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