• Is there a relatively easy way I can change the look of just one of my WordPress pages on my website?

    All of my pages are static, and on the whole look fine with the large image at the top you get by using the twenty eleven template. However, one of my pages is to showcase an image gallery and I’d like that page to have nothing other than my company name at the top, so a large header image doesn’t detract from the ones below. Is there any way I can do this?

    Thank you.

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  • Make a custom page template for it. Tutorial here.

    alternatively, using css:

    add something like this to style.css of your theme:

    .page-id-72 #branding img { display:none; }

    it is advisable not to edit Twenty Eleven directly, but rather to create a child theme https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes and to make the edits there. having an unedited default theme is important in case of theme problems.
    also, any customisation of Twenty Eleven will be overwritten with the next upgrade of your wordpress version.

    And a third method: you could also use a conditional tag in your header.php file:


    <?php if ( !is_page('showcase') ) : ?>

    do your header stuff on all pages except the one with the slug ‘showcase’

    <?php endif; ?>

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