• Hi,

    I am doing a user query whereby I get some custom fields from a previously chosen list of users. The code below works just fine. I need to know how to include within this query the thumb pic for each user retrieved. Any ideas?

    $values = get_field( 'execs','options' ); // Custom ACF user field retrieves a list of users
    if ( $values ) {
      $execs = array();
      foreach ( $values as $value ) {
        $link = get_author_posts_url( $value['ID'] ); //get the url
        $nicename = $value['display_name'];
        $userdesc = $value['user_description'];
        $position = get_field( 'academic_position', 'user_' . $value['ID'] ); // custom ACF text
        $affiliation = get_field( 'affiliations', 'user_' . $value['ID'] ); // custom ACF text
        $execs[] = sprintf( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a><p>%s</p><p>%s</p><p>%s</p></li>', $link,  $nicename, $userdesc, $position, $affiliation); // listing
      echo '<h4>Executive Committee</h4>';
      echo '<ul>';
      echo implode( $execs );
      echo '</ul>';
    } ?>


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