• This plugin is using echo within the wp_enqueue_scripts function in the code below found in the modules/enqueue/plus-generator.php file:

    public function load_inline_script(){
        $js_inline1 = 'var theplus_ajax_url = "'.admin_url("admin-ajax.php").'";
        var theplus_ajax_post_url = "'.admin_url("admin-post.php").'";
        var theplus_nonce = "'.wp_create_nonce("theplus-addons").'";';
        echo wp_print_inline_script_tag($js_inline1);  

    This is creating an issue with the default wp-sitemap.xml (as it’s being outputted there). The wp_enqueue_script function isn’t actually designed for echoing output to and should be for enqueuing scripts and styles.

    In the code above the wp_print_inline_script_tag function is actually a filter, and likely added mistakenly instead of wp_add_inline_script.

    Can this please be changed to follow the intended use of wp_enqueue_scripts to enqueue that inline script to help prevent issues with the echoing of that code prematurely?

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  • Divyang Chaudhary


    Hello @antonynz
    This is Divyang from The Plus Addons team.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
    I would like to inform you that our team is working on new dashboard and will address all such issues in that.

    This update will be included in the upcoming release of The Plus Addons. I kindly ask for your patience.

    In the meantime, please let us know if you have any concerns.

    Best Regards.

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