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  • Thread Starter youngfreshnew


    I see that the script is in the source code. You have to be logged out to see the code. Please put this in the FAQs. This would save people a lot of trouble.

    I am still having trouble with the eCommerce tracking.

    Hey youngfreshnew,

    We’ve actually already logged this as an issue. We’ll be pushing out an update soon to add some information to the FAQ page.

    What isn’t working with the e-commerce tracking? I see this on the thank you page:

    Hi Guys,

    Ecommerce tracking isnt working for me also, it shows all orders though paid and activated as processing in the Orders section of woocommerce but none of them are setting up as transactions in analytics.


    This isn;t working on my clients site either, I have double checked the settings both on Google Analytics and in the add-on settings. On the Thank you page I am not seeing any item or order tracking code being added. I’m at a loss as to why it’s not working.

    @maccast are you checking from an account that isn’t logged in? Admin visits don’t trigger the code.

    @patrick Rauland I’m not logged in when I’m checking the code. It just seems like none of the code is being inserted. I am seeing the ‘Add to Cart’ events so I know that that part is working. It just seems like the order details are not being added to the ga() object on the thank you page.

    Same here. It doesn’t track anything. Since we are on endpoints, goal tracking doesn’t seem to work. Regular expressions don’t seem to work either.

    Possible to send ecommerce data to multiple accounts?

    Can anyone offer a suggestion on what to modify ( I don’t expect the plugin to accommodate as most people only need 1 UA ID) —

    but my tracking code is:

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga(‘create’,’UA-5xxxxxx-1′,{‘name’:’newTracker’, ‘allowLinker’: true});

    I’m guessing I just need to add newTracker.send — to class-wc-google-analytics-integration.php around line 249 –

    ga(‘create’, ‘” . esc_js( $tracking_id ) . “‘, ‘” . $set_domain_name . “‘);

    or around line 256:

    ga(‘ecommerce:addTransaction’, {

    Hi I’m having a problem where although my tracking is working it keeps dropping some transactions so there are some transactions that just don’t appear in Google Analytics and the totals don’t tally with the total in the reports on my website from woocommerce. Is this part of the same issue or do I need to create a new tread?

    Best Wishes



    I’ve just installed this plugin this morning. But it works after a few hours from its installation. So, if this is useful for you, give time to this plugin to work. I hope it will work fine in the days ahead.

    @jessica: I think your problem is not part of this issue. It may be related, but it’s very strange…

    And finally: too bad, Woo guys, removing this options from the Woocommerce Settings menu. I think there is a lot of people with Google Analytics problems after upgrade to 2.1 (just search in Google). They should know very clearly this change, but no, we have to search a solution outside WooThemes (they have the solution in their web, but it’s difficult to find).
    And Google Analytics and its e-commerce tracking is ESSENTIAL for us…

    Best regards.

    This is not a timing thing for me. I have the plugin installed, but if you look at the source on my “Thank you” page there is no code inserted by the plug-in. That means there is nothing for Google Analytics to pick up. We don’t see any errors. It just looks like the plug-in isn’t working for us. it was fine prior to them removing it so seems to be somehow related the the upgrade.

    Hello All,

    I’ve installed this plugin and have no other installed for GA. I’ve activated all the plugin options using universal analytics. I’ve ensured Ecommerce & Enhanced Ecommerce is turned on with GA.

    It’s been over 24hrs now and is not picking up the commerce data. It is tracking the user sessions ok, but no commerce analysis is being tracked.


    @webactiv: This sounds very similar to the issue I’m having and so far I’ve not found a solution. When I log into my Google Anaytics account I see this message, is that what you’re seeing too?

    Missing Ecommerce Data
    View All Web Site Data is configured for Ecommerce, but no data is flowing.

    @maccast and @webactiv: It sounds very strange… I’ve been checking the code at my homepage and there it is (in the footer, not in header, because the plugin place it there):

    @maccast: I have been looking for the code in your homepage and you have the Google Analytics code twice: in header and footer. I think this would be the problem. Go to the Editor panel of your theme and look for header.php, and then erase the GA script. Maybe it should work ??

    @maccast and @rafa GT: I’m not seeing the “Missing Ecommerce Data” when logging into GA.

    I’ve looked in the source of my site and it has the code in the footer. It also contains some event tracking on the product pages. E.G _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Products’, ‘Add to basket’, ‘#829’]);

    Non of the event tracking is working, nor the ecommerce shopping or behaviour analysis.

    I’ve switched the plugin to using Classic analytics but by the looks of it, it’s still not working.

    Other than activating the plugin with it’s options checked and turning on ecommerce in GA is there anything else we should be doing?

    Cheers, Stephen

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