If the output from the EDD things (which I really don’t know anything about) is located in a place where it’s filtered by qtranslate/mqtranslate during output, then you could do it the semi-manual way.
An example:
On one site, I’ve entered the site title as:
[:en]English blog name[:ru]Russian blog name[:es]Spanish blog name
In a text widget, I’ve entered the widget name as “[:en]Photos[:ru]Фото[:es]Fotos
In these cases, I’ve used the short tags.
You may use the long tags, too.
In a text widget, there are links and images that should always be there, and I just enter them as usual. If there’s anything that should be visible only for a certain language, then I frame it with qtranslate special tags (the same tags that are actually used by qtranslate in every saved blog post).
<!--:en-->Click here for more!<!--:--><!--:ru-->Есть много, кликните здесь<!--:--><!--:es-->Hay más. Haz clic aquí.<!--:-->