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  • Thread Starter Sami Keijonen


    Actually there are some other things going on. I can’t see the admin bar when logged in, or the price.

    Plugin Author Andrew Munro


    That’s odd, I can multiple services on the purchase confirmation page (with edd_receipt) on it. Are you marking all the downloads as services via the checkbox or selecting a category?

    I can also see my admin bar and price. Are you sure you haven’t disabled the admin bar somehow? does disabling this plugin make your admin bar reappear? Is it on the purchase confirmation page that you do not see the price?

    Thread Starter Sami Keijonen


    I selected a category. This happens when I click View Details and Downloads link. And this was the notice.

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home3/amemori/public_html/wp-content/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/includes/cart/functions.php on line 523

    Plugin Author Andrew Munro


    If you deactivate EDD DAS, do you get the same error? doesn’t sounds like an issue with this plugin, might have to check this one out. Are these the links on the purchase confirmation page?

    Plugin Author Andrew Munro


    I haven’t been able to replicate this, is it possible you could give me admin details to the site so I can check it out and see the error? [email protected]

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