There’s a way but I will advice you only do this with great care as not to break the plugin code. Also, if you do not have any programming experience, I will advice you don’t fiddle around with this solution.
Problem: The text you see as placeholders are hard coded in the php files and therefore cannot be changed from the UI.
Temporal Solution: Edit the plugin php file directly.
NOTE: any errors can break the plugin code from working properly.
Step1: From your dashboard, click on plugins -> Plugin Editor.
Step2: When the plugin editor load, on the upper right end where it says “select plugin to edit”, select Donations. and click the Select button.
Step3: The directly below where it’s written “Plugin Files”, expand “addons -> visual -> donation-form -> layout”, then click on the layout-1.php
Step4: Scroll to line 77 where it’s written “placeholder=””._(‘Insert custom value’,’nd-donations’).'”> and replace the text “Insert custom value” to any text of your choice.
Step5: Click on the “Update File” button to save. Then reload/refresh you site to see the change.
NOTE: You can also change other texts like the Donate Now button or Check out button if you look at lines 129 and 160.
I hope this helps. Take care.
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
Jay Momnang. Reason: proper indenting and focus points