• Resolved FoxTek


    I’m very new to WordPress and can’t seem to find the instructions / guide to customizing the SKT Black theme I’ve working on locally. The standard pages have code creating the headings, layout, etc. and I want to be able edit the page. For instance, the Home page has a predefined settings. I know I can right click on the page and select Inspect Element and can see the code. How do I access this code on order to edit it? Do I need an add-on?

    I’ve not been able to locate within the Help section.

    Newbie and Not a Developer

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  • Hello,

    If you want to edit the code you can use Filezilla to access through FTP your server and then find and edit the file you want.

    All the themes files are in the /wp-content/themes/you-theme.
    The predefined settings (most probably) are on the functions.php file.

    The home page file could be index.php or page-home.php

    If you don’t know how to use filezilla then you can login in to your wordpress dashboard and go to Appearance > Editor and edit from there all the files you want!

    Good Luck!

    Thread Starter FoxTek


    I can access the through WordPress, Appearance > Editor and have poked around some to see and made a few changes, some that were correct and some which I’m not so sure of. Is there a way to determine exactly which page/file I should be editing as there as are a large listing of Templates (php files) as well as Style Sheets (css files) on the right side bar in order to not go off track and end up editing the wrong file?

    Thanks in advance.

    Determine css files is easy by inspecting the page with your browser tools (as you described above).

    But finding the right file, as you ask, you need to understand php. There is no magic way. Just open the index.php or page-home.php (or how else is your home page template is named) and see what parts are included.

    ex if you modify single.php (template for showing a single post) you will see at the begging of the page (on top) <?php get_header(); ?> which means that at this point it will execute all the code from header.php…
    you will also see something like <?php get_template_part( ‘templates/pagehead’ ); ?> which means that at this point it will execute the code from the file pagehead.php which is in folder “template”.

    I think that it is a waste of time if you are not familiar with php. Try to learn the basics of php and how wordpress works and then try to modify the pages.

    Hope I helped you!

    Thread Starter FoxTek


    I’m still working in SKT Black theme.

    I’m making some progress but still seem to not be able to locate the page specific file that I need to edit. I’ve looked in Appearance > Theme Editor and checked every listed file for page-id 2 also named as Karma in order to view the code and disable or remove the slider which appears on every page I create. I’ve also looked in my File Manager in GoDaddy hosting account.

    I’m trying to make the pages simple and static (is that the right term) and add pages such as About Us, FAQ’s, Support, etc. where I do not want the front page slider to appear. I also want to remove the Post Comment section below the body of the page.

    What am I missing?

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