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  • Create a directory wp-content/plugin-templates/events-manager/forms and then copy wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/forms/event-editor.php to that directory and then edit that file.

    Thread Starter carlosmarugan


    Sorry, but i think this is the page to submit an event. I need the page where the user can manage the events that he has registered.

    There is a table with the events and a searcher.


    Create the directory wp-content/plugin-templates/events-manager/tables and copy wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/events.php to that directory and then edit that file.

    Thread Starter carlosmarugan


    Thank you. It works!

    Thread Starter carlosmarugan


    i’ve added some custom fields to my events with ACF.

    Could I show one of them in the table of the events manage?

    I guess you have some way of assigning ACF values to the event. ACF fields would be added to the post. The post_id is $EM_Event->post_id. Use the get_field function to get the value of an ACF field. The get_field function takes a field name and a post_id.

    $value = get_field('myfield1', $EM_Event->post_id);

    Thread Starter carlosmarugan


    thanks @joneiseman

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