Well I think I realized why it doesn’t show directly in the wp_em_events table of the database, as it shows up via wp_term_taxonomy. I will have to let my developer know as he assumed that was a red flag before.
These are my corresponding categories that I want to pull in. The term_id is the associated id of the category.
term_id 26 count 15 term_taxonomy_id 29 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 27 count 41 term_taxonomy_id 30 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 36 count 5 term_taxonomy_id 59 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 48 count 1 term_taxonomy_id 54 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 49 count 4 term_taxonomy_id 55 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 50 count 1 term_taxonomy_id 56 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 51 count 1 term_taxonomy_id 57 taxonomy event-categories
term_id 52 count 2 term_taxonomy_id 58 taxonomy event-categories
I can then see the term_id associated with the category name in the wp_terms table:
The term_id is then associated with the name in the wp_terms table.
term_id name slug term_group
26 Sick Time sick-time 0