• Resolved Ritsk



    I downloaded and installed this plugin but when I click on edit image, It is giving me blank page only title of Edit image is appearing. same is there for upload file.

    In error consol I got “/wp-content/plugins/directedit/theme/css/images/ui-bg_glass_75_ffffff_1x400.png” not found.

    Also can we disable / Remove some of the tool in editor tool bar like embedd video. Thanks


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  • Plugin Author Carlo Roosen


    Hi Ritsk,

    – Existing images can not be edited, you will have to upload a new one. This is because DirectEdit uses two images, an unscaled (original) image, and a scaled image that is used on the page. When you later decide to change the scaling/cropping of the image, the original image will be used to create a new copy.
    – the missing image in the console is not crucial, but thanks for letting me know
    – about disabling buttons in the text-editor toolbar, documentation is on the website https://directedit.co/documentation. Please read that first, if you have further questions I can answer specific questions


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