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  • wendy


    Oh my god, I’ve tried everything to get my tag cloud to stay within the padding I’d like in all my widget boxes. No problems for any others so far: just this one!

    So far, the only thing that’s worked is to add padding to the link style, which then throws its usage elsewhere out. I’ve tried the stuff suggested above, but the widget doesn’t want to look at any new CSS I introduce (my fault, no doubt).

    I’ve tried all sorts of things suggested on the forums, and before anyone suggests CTC, yes, I’ve tried that too but it uses the same base code to collect the tags so the padding problem is the same.

    My site is here:

    Can anyone help?!?



    …so…that’s a no then?



    Well, in case anyone is wondering, I fixed it by doing two steps:

    1. I added a new style to my css called “widgetbody” that set the left and right padding only.

    2. In my ‘functions.php’ file, I added <div class=”widgetbody”> to the end of the ‘before widget’ code, and a closing </div> to the start of the ‘after widget’ code.

    On the off-chance it helps someone else as frustrated as I’ve been getting with the lack of help for so many questions asked on this forum, it looks like this:

    if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )
    	$a = ob_get_clean();
            'before_widget' => '<!-- //start sideitem //--><div class="sideitem"><div class="sideitemtop"><img src="'.$a.'/img/stl.gif" alt="" width="15" height="15" class="corner" style="display: none" /></div><strong><div class="widgetbody"></strong>',
            'after_widget' => '<strong></div></strong><div class="sideitembottom"><img src="'.$a.'/img/sbl.gif" alt="" width="15" height="15" class="corner" style="display: none" /></div></div><!-- //end sideitem //-->',
            'before_title' => '<h2>',
            'after_title' => '</h2>',


    Sorry, due to being unable to use the bold feature within code, that came out wrong. It should look like this:

    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar’) )
    $a = ob_get_clean();

    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<!– //start sideitem //–><div class=”sideitem”><div class=”sideitemtop”><img src=”‘.$a.’/img/stl.gif” alt=”” width=”15″ height=”15″ class=”corner” style=”display: none” /></div><div class=”widgetbody”>‘,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div><div class=”sideitembottom”><img src=”‘.$a.’/img/sbl.gif” alt=”” width=”15″ height=”15″ class=”corner” style=”display: none” /></div></div><!– //end sideitem //–>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<h2>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h2>’,

    looking for some help here…

    i just installed the cloud tag widget to my sidebar:

    it appears that there needs to be a break after the title of the tag cloud before the first tag is shown. so instead of Tagsbad luck full house

    it should read Tags
    bad luck full house

    anyone know where i should be looking to modify this?

    thanks in advance.

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