Hi Ian,
I need to remove LOT SIZE and BUILT IN and add in a BER RATING input. How ca I achieve this?
Lot size and Built in will be not displayed on frontend if you leave these fields empty. If you need to remove them in admin area as well, you need to open the file >>
estatik\admin_template\es_property\es_add_new_property.php and remove the lines >>
<div class="new_prop_field clearFix">
<span><?php _e( "Lot size", "es-plugin" ); ?>:</span>
<input type="text" name="prop_lotsize" value="<?php echo (!empty($prop_edit) && $prop_edit->prop_lotsize!=0)?$prop_edit->prop_lotsize:'' ?>" />
<?php $es_dimension = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT dimension_title FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'estatik_manager_dimension WHERE dimension_status=1' );
if(!empty($es_dimension)) { echo $es_dimension->dimension_title; }
Find the same line with Built in and do the same.
LEASE for rentals and commercial
Furnished/Unfurnished option
NEIGHBORHOOD to be changed to NEIGHBOURHOOD for listings
Neighborhood can be changed via the files – estatik\front_templates\includes\es_prop_single.php
As for the Lease and Furnished/Unfurnished option, you can change the code also. We can only name the files what can be changed or offer customization service.