• Resolved qpqpqp


    Installed WordPress 3.8.1. All installed OK. Blog working fine (as far as I can tell).

    HOWEVER, there is a weird glitch that I can’t resolve:

    On any “Edit Post” or “Edit Page” window using any theme, inside the edit box itself, when I type (or paste in) any text, it is white (on a white background), and is thus “invisible” — unless I mouse over it or highlight it, in which case it has a faint blue halo and is barely visible. The text is there — if I save or publish the post, it appears on the blog (or in the preview window) properly. It is only “invisible” inside the “editing post” box itself.

    Additionally, the little formatting icons/buttons along the top of the box are missing — not there at all.

    I thought originally that the issue was due to the Theme I had selected, Weaver II 2.1.2, but when I switched to any of the default Twenty Fourteen, Twenty Thirteen or Twenty Twelve themes, the exact same problems persisted.

    Now, I can “solve” both of these problems in any one individual post by choosing Weaver II 2.1.2 theme and then each time clicking on Weaver’s “Disable Visual Editor for this page” box in the “Per Post Options” section. Once I do that, not only is the “Visual Editor” option disabled (as expected), but also the text inside the edit box becomes visible (i.e. becomes black) and the formatting icons/buttons appear at the top of the post.

    Obviously, I don’t want to have to click on “Disable Visual Editor” for each and every single post I make, just to see the text I’m typing. I want to permanently change some setting (or fix some php file or whatever) so that the Edit Post/Edit Page windows all function properly as default.

    What could be causing this? I’ve searched and searched and could not find an “option” that would change the Edit Post window text from white to black, nor did I find a way to turn the formatting buttons on and off. Is there a specific php file that controls this that could be corrupted or missing? Which one? How do I repair it?

    I asked a similar question in the Weaver II forum, and we determined the issue was not caused by the theme itself, but by the WordPress installation.

    I suspect a specific php file got corrupted or misnamed or deleted or something by accident, but I can’t figure out which one — something to do with “Visual Editor” perhaps?

    Other than this one glitch (which is a significant glitch), the installation seems to be working fine.

    Any help of any kind would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 3.8.1 seems a little glitchy (especially if the auto update ran). Try reinstalling it.

    Thread Starter qpqpqp



    I found a thread where somebody recommended doing two things:

    Install the “Use Google Libraries” plugin; and
    update Java on my machine.

    Many sufferers reported that this solved the problem, so I tried it — and it worked!

    Apparently the issue is common and is caused by Java misbehavior. These two steps address it.

    Anyway, thanks for the help, and you can now count this issue as “solved.”

    I had the same problem. I went to dashboard->updates and clicked “Re-Install Now”.

    Problem went away, yay!

    I’ve Installed Word Press 3.8.1. on a Midway / Version 1.8 theme and it appeared some problems that I cannot resolve as follows:
    On any “Edit Post” or “Edit Page” window, inside the edit box itself, when I type (or paste in) any text, it is white (on a white background), and is thus “invisible”. The text is there because it appears on the blog (or in the preview window) properly. It is only “invisible” inside the “editing post” box itself.
    Additionally, the little formatting icons/buttons along the top of the box are missing — not there at all, so I cannot edit a new Page/Post or to change something in an already edited one.
    This case I’ve made a backup to the previous configuration, before updating to the latest 3.8.1.version but the problem is the same. I am not allowed to make any changes on published Pages/Posts and I cannot publish and save any new Page or Post because the tools box is missing!

    My website has a touristic profile, so I have already posted on it more than 200 offers with hundreds of pictures and I do not want to lose them! So, please help me to solve this problem.

    Site address: https://www.dantetravel.eu

    I have this same problem of being unable to view text within the post box (it is invisible) and the visual editor is gone. I am also unable to add media. After reading above, I have:

    1.reinstalled the latest WordPress update
    2.added the plugin “Use Google Libraries”
    3.updated Java to the latest version.
    4.checked that I experience the problem on explorer, Chrome, and Firefox on multiple PCs.

    I have been unable to post for several weeks except in a limited form from a tablet.

    Please help!


    Site: https://carabrookins.com/cgi/wp/

    WordPress 4.0 Page Editor broken white text – APlus Hosting

    I had this issue on APlus.net Hosting and had one heck of a time fixing it. All the text in the Visual Editor was white, and I couldn’t get to the HTML tab. The Visual Editor was missing all the formatting buttons — it was just a white empty space.

    After trying everything listed here and other similar suggestions across the web without success, I was finally able to track down the culprit on APlus hosting. It turns out APlus hosting injects their own analytics tracking code into even the WordPress Admin pages. The code for their analytics wasn’t written properly — the code was missing a final ending apostrophe, which resulted in breaking all the code that came after it. In my scenario, the injected code broke the Page Editor TinyMCE JS code.

    I checked the Google Chrome inspector to find the error in the code, and after talking with a Tech Support rep at APlus I was able to fix it by deleting the analytics file on the server via FTP:


    I hope this helps anyone else having this problem on APlus.net hosting!

    @alexmustin thank you! I spent hours trying tons of solutions that were posted online but none of them worked. After nothing worked, I had a feeling it was something to do with the hosting company, aplus.net, as I’ve had various issues with them in the past. Turns out that I was correct in my thinking that it was a hosting issue. Your solution worked like a charm!

    @alexmustin – thanks from me, too! Our WP site is hosted at Aplus.net and this just arose in the last week or so for us. I’ve got the site all in French, using the French language install of WP, and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to root around in things very much. Your thoughtful shared advice spared me lots of time and trouble!

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