Hi @caitlyn Colette,
Thank you for your question.
I am wanting to alter the text in the ‘renew subscription’ box. How do I do this?!
You can just search the text in membership plugin file and change it but you will lose these changes when you will update the membership plugin and you have to redo the changes.
The more bullet proof way to do this is to translate the membership plugin. For more information on how to do this refer this page.
Note: The membership plugin language files are saved in the folder membership/membershipincludes/languages/
Also, how do I change the Subscribe button? I see that it is an image – so which file do I need to edit to replace the image with another (or code in a button via CSS)?
You can add the background image to the Subscribe button by adding following CSS code in your child theme or using any of the following plugin.
.form-membership .pricebox .button {
background: url("path to the image");
Sorry, I can’t link to the site – it is a members only page! Not sure how to include images in this query box either.
You can share the image URL here by uploading the image on image sharing website like https://imgur.com/
Best Regards,