Hi Lisa,
Thank you for your patience as this took us a couple days to get back to you on this site. You may also contact BenchmarkEmail directly via their support number, forums, or contact form for when more immediate help is needed.
It sounds like you are referring to the contact subscription verification+confirmation email, otherwise known as double opt-in. That email does not get sent from WordPress, rather it gets sent from BenchmarkEmail once they receive a contact subscription. Our plugin operates in double opt-in mode, so it triggers this process on the BenchmarkEmail side. To understand why see our FAQ here in Q&A #12:
The answer to how to change the text in there, see Q&A #8
Note: Instead of “Lists”, their current UI calls it “Emails->Contacts->My Signup Forms”
We’ll update our text there to be as current as possible, and also number those questions soon!
Let us know if this helps or if you need further assistance.