• I have WP3 alpha installed and working nicely except one thing: when I try and edit the site settings (/wp-admin/ms-sites.php?action=editblog&id=2) I get a 400 Error whenever I press the “Update Options” Button.

    I notice that the page that gives the 400 Error is “wp-admin/ms-edit.php?action=updateblog” there is no “&id=2” on the end. If I add “&id=2” to the address and resubmit, I get a page with a box containing the text “Are you sure you want to do this?” – but there are no buttons to go on from there.

    Any suggestions as to why I’m getting this error?

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  • vteixeira


    You should report this problem on TRAC.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It’s not a trac issue. It’s a server setup issue. Some servers just get picky about mod_security and there’s nothing WP can do about it.

    I found a solution, for my case at least
    It was the pernamentlink problem. When I created a new post with a title with some special characters like Apples or Days, server could not find the post because of this sign. Solutions is to keep your pernamentlink settings as you want, delete permanently (before copy it to a word or notepad) and create a new post, with title without any special characters. Please comment if worked.

    But if you already changed the permanentlinks, you will have to do it to every single post.

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