• I wasn’t really sure how to name this topic.

    Sometimes a plugin adds content to a page. This can be for example woo products on the shop page, but also a product designer on a single page.
    These pages, when you open them in the CMS, the content is blank.
    Even with the plain source / text editor, you don’t see anything there.
    This is a problem for me, because now I cannot change anything.
    For example. I want to add some empty space above the content.
    But everything I do in the editor, will be shown below the content on the page.
    Can anyone tell me what to do?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Empty space is best managed with CSS rules added the Additional CSS customizer section. To help you further, we’d need to have a live link to a page you where you want this done. Note that links within replies are public and will not be subsequently removed.

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