• Hello! I’ve got a fresh install of WordPress on Hostinger, and added the plugin. Everything works like a charm so far except for the text editor. I have built the entire page and started editing text, but I’m facing the same issue with each box – when the editor pops up below it’s empty, and when I click on it to type the text in the box is erased and I have to start over. So basically if I make a typo or want to add something, I have to open the site in a new tab, copy my text from there, and paste it in the editor since otherwise I’m losing that text.

    What I’ve tried so far:
    Deactivated all plugins, cleared cache from the browser, tried a different browser. I have the Neve theme installed but in the Page Options I’ve selected Nimble Builder Template. I have no issue with editing buttons, or headings, since those show on the left bar. But everything that would end up pulling the editor at the bottom gets erased.

    I searched for the topic and saw a few people have had this issue or similar a year ago, but from what I could understand it has been a private resolution and I couldn’t find what else to try. Hoping this could be fixable, since.. like.. the whole page is done, I don’t want to be starting over with a different builder, I really like everything else.

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  • Plugin Author presscustomizr


    Thanks for reporting the problem.
    Can you confirm that you followed the troubleshooting steps listed here : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/troubleshooting-tips-for-nimble-builder/ ?

    Can you confirm that the problem occurs even when you switch to the default WP theme Twenty Twenty ?

    In your next reply please you share your system information. You’ll find them under Dashboard > Plugins > System Infos ( when the Nimble Builder plugin is active ).


    Thread Starter dikka


    Oof, changing the theme fixed it. I didn’t understand what the child/parent theme meant, if that was it I’m sorry for not trying the first time, I had just set a couple of things for it as well and kept it. Yeah.

    Anywho, here’s the info for when Neve is activated, if that would be useful for something, but it’s editing now with the twenty twenty so I’ll just figure out to hide the default navigation on mobile

    ### Begin System Info (Generated 2020-01-06 20:27:37) ###
    ------------ SITE INFO
    Site URL:                 ****
    Home URL:                 ****
    Multisite:                No
    ------------ USER BROWSER
    Platform:                 Windows 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version:          78.0.3904.108 
    ------------ WORDPRESS CONFIG
    WP Version:               5.3.2
    Language:                 en_GB
    Permalink Structure:      Default
    Active Theme:             Neve 2.5.4
    Show On Front:            page
    Page On Front:            **** (#7)
    Page For Posts:           **** (#19)
    ABSPATH:                  ****
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    WP Memory Limit:          40MB
    Version:                  1.10.6
    Upgraded From:            None
    Started With:             1.10.6
    ------------ WP ACTIVE PLUGINS
    Nimble Page Builder: 1.10.6
    ------------ WP INACTIVE PLUGINS
    Age Gate: 2.4.0
    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.3
    All-in-One WP Migration: 7.13
    Beaver Builder Plugin (Lite Version):
    Gumroad: 2.1.0
    Hello Dolly: 1.7.2
    LiteSpeed Cache:
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.4
    WPForms Lite: 1.5.7
    ------------ WEBSERVER CONFIG
    PHP Version:              7.2.25
    MySQL Version:            5.5.5
    Webserver Info:           LiteSpeed
    Writing Permissions:      OK
    ------------ PHP CONFIG
    Memory Limit:             256M
    Upload Max Size:          128M
    Post Max Size:            128M
    Upload Max Filesize:      128M
    Time Limit:               120
    Max Input Vars:           5000
    Display Errors:           N/A
    PHP Arg Separator:        &
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  1
    ### End System Info ###
    Plugin Author presscustomizr


    OK perfect.
    Now I need to explore why Neve free theme conflicts with Nimble Builder text editor, and fix the problem.
    Thank you!

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