• Hi all got a new child theme lunched off 2011 and all is coming together but I need to customize the content.php I think? the issue is this.
    If you do a search via the search bar all is well ?? BUT if you pick a category then it dose not show the results with the styles and such. All other pages are fine single.php search.php again its only when you search buy the category please check out https://www.adszoom.com to see that i mean. Is this the correct page to edit? ( content.php ) if so or not can someone point me in the right direction>?

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  • Can you post a link to a search by category which demonstrates what you mean? When I do a search based upon your info above, I “seem” to get the same looking page either way.



    Actually click on one of the links at the bottom captain :p

    Is there a category.php in your theme?

    If you do a search via the search bar all is well ?? BUT if you pick a category then it dose not show the results with the styles and such.

    no idea what you are talking about – any search returns excerpts for me.

    caused by this section in content.php:

    <?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>
    		<div class="entry-summary">
    			<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    		</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
    		<?php else : ?>
    		<div class="entry-content">
    			<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?>
    			<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link"><span>' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentyeleven' ) . '</span>', 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
    		</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    		<?php endif; ?>

    if you always need full posts with formatting in the search results, change that section to:

    <div class="entry-content">
    			<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?>
    			<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link"><span>' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentyeleven' ) . '</span>', 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
    		</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    Thread Starter Scott@adszoom



    Thanks for the feed back guys… We did solve this bY adjusting the #main div… The content.php in the default 2011 ( parent theme ) was corrupt somehow so we just replaced it with a fresh install and it fixed the issue. You know how this go’s.

    Thanks for the feed back. I do have a diff issue thou I’m working threw (4 weeks). I know you three are true pro’s bast on your posts and thought I would throw this out to you. I want a custom post class for my paid members. I did wright this script. The issue is I’m using wish list member and can not figure out the info I need based on the code below,, if you read the comments. With out wish list the custom post class is no sweet but I cant figur out how wish list tags the diff member class inorder to give a value… Do you have any idea how to do this?? We contacted wish list ( no good there ) and Googled until down and cant figure it out…. here is the link to the question I posted here weeks ago with the docs If you have time please help….



    // filter the body class
    add_filter( 'body_class', 'adzoom_wishlist_member_classes' );
    // function to add body class based on wishlist member 180 or 365 day
    function adzoom_wishlist_member_classes ($classes) {
            // read the wishlist member information somehow
            $userid = 'how to get userid?';
            $key    = 'what is the wishlist member key';
            $single = true; // probably only want a single piece of information, right?
            // get the wishlist member level based on the meta key set above
            $wishlistlevel = get_user_meta( $userid, $key, $single );
            // pseudocode to add class based on information stored by wishlist member
            if ($wishlistlevel == '365') {
                    // add 'year-member' to the $classes array
                    $classes[] = 'year-member';
            else if ($wishlistlevel == '180') {
                    // add 'half-year-member' to the $classes array
                    $classes[] = 'half-year-member';
            // return the $classes array no matter what
            return $classes;

    but can not find in the table or anywhere how wishlist member tags the diff member class.

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