• Hi there,

    I’m trying to customize the Events Calendar plugin for a client project. I’m using the block editor as default editor on the site and would also like to use it at the Events Calendar. However, I want a custom template to be shown in the frontend with some selected data I want the site administrators to configure in the backend.

    I noticed that when I switch to the block editor for the events, I’m unable to edit any event data somewhere else than in the blocks you provide. Using the classic editor, the additional event data are stored in custom fields, while at the block editor, everything sits inside the blocks.

    I want to be able to configure the event data (date/time, venue, organizer…) outside of the actual content area of an event. Right now, I (or later the client) would have to create the according blocks and add the event data but then have to remove it from the content again, as I don’t want it to be shown with the blocks on the single event page.

    Now my question is: is there any setting that would allow the event data to be edited in custom fields (like for example at the Yoast plugin at the bottom of the editor), while I can use a custom template and have the event content actually be used purely for the content? I searched through the knowledgebase and documentation provided, but I couldn’t find any answer to this.


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  • @luminuu

    Thank you for reaching out.

    This is a super interesting use case, especially considering that we are about to give block editor a good overhaul.

    If I understand correctly, your main focus is a simple UI to capture event data without resorting to a fixed template (i.e.: the one Block editor offers). Let me know if I did not understand correctly.

    There are a couple of things you could do:

    1. Block editor’s templates are customizable (although using different files than the Classic Editor template). In that scenario, the client would fill a block UI that is similar to the front-end
    2. Still using block editor, you could create a template in wp-admin and take advantage of block patterns
    3. Last, but not least, you could default The Events Calendar to use only the Classic Editor by heading over to Events > Settings > General and unchecking the “Activate Block Editor for Events” option

    Let me know if that would work for you

    Thread Starter Jessica Lyschik


    Hi Geoff,

    thanks for your reply. I quickly jump on your suggestion list:

    1. Basically I’m now going this way, however when I edit only the template files (single-event-blocks.php in my case), it only affects the frontend but not the backend at the moment. The advantage here is that I can “lock” certain parts like a header and footer area and only have the client update the content, without being able to “destroy” the other areas. The disadvantage is that I have to use the event blocks provided to edit the event data (date/time, venue, …) but then have to remove those again, as they are displayed by the customized template and not in the content area.

    2. This would be the ideal way with locking some parts. However, for example your date/time block, does not allow different display of the date. I want the date to appear in a different line than the time of the event, both joined by an calendar or clock icon next to them. It’s not possible with the current version of the block, which only provides one fixed date/time display without any option for a change, except for the formatting set in the settings. This is why I went for option 1.

    3. This is currently not an option, as the content part of the event has a given layout which is easier to create with the block editor and patterns instead of going back to the classic editor and working with shortcodes.

    If I understand correctly, your main focus is a simple UI to capture event data without resorting to a fixed template (i.e.: the one Block editor offers). Let me know if I did not understand correctly.

    Yes. I want the event data to be edited separately from the content, but having the flexibility to put the content of the event data in form of blocks where I (or the design) wants them to appear.

    I’m unable to show you screenshots of my current project but if you’d like to have some mockups on this, I can check if I can provide you with some simpler versions.


    Hi there,

    Unfortunately, we do not have an out of the box solution to meet your unique requirements.

    You may be able to come up with a specialized solution, but this type of customization is a bit beyond the scope of what we can assist with.

    The only other thing I can think to suggest, is to initially create the event using the classic editor, and then after filling in the base event details, switch to the block editor to arrange any needed blocks as desired.

    If you use the “classic editor” plugin, it provides an option on the event pages to toggle between the block and classic editor.

    Hope that helps!


    Since we haven’t heard from you in a while on this topic we will assume that the problem was fixed or is no longer applicable and with that I will mark this as resolved.

    If that is not the case, please let us know and we will gladly remove the “Resolved” tag and try to help you further. Or you can create a new topic with the problem if you prefer.


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