• Resolved Noemie_Wipple


    Hi everybody !

    These are informations about my installation :

    – WP 3.9.2
    – Theme : Enfold
    – DB server : mysql wampserver ( via TCP/IP)
    – Web server : Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12
    – Main plugins : Woocommerce, User Acces Manager and Register Plus Redux

    I have an issue on the website I’m working on, I can’t create or edit menus …
    I made a screenshot to show you :

    When I enter a name, and then choose “create the menu”, well the page refreshes itself, but nothing happens …
    What is even more surprising is the fact that I can’t even select the current menu to edit it or something …

    I thought the problem came from my theme (Enfold), so I tried to deactivate it, without success. I also tried to deactivate my plugins, but it didn’t fix it :/

    Do you have any idea for me ? How can I fix this issue ?
    I practically finished that website, it’s the only thing I need to fix… this is very frustrating !
    Thank you for your time,

    p.s : excuse me for my bad english, I’m french.

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  • Could try a different browser.

    In your screenshot, on the top there is an option available to create menu.

    Give a name to menu and click on the “Create Menu”.

    Thread Starter Noemie_Wipple


    @blackpenpress : I’m using chrome, I tried on Firefox and Safari, it does the same.

    @cmshelplive.com : …

    When I enter a name, and then choose “create the menu”, well the page refreshes itself, but nothing happens …

    I’m not that stupid, lol ^^

    Thanks for your answers guys.

    Thread Starter Noemie_Wipple


    Edit :
    Well, I didn’t think I would fix it by myself, but I did, this is how, if It can help :

    EN –

    -The tab “sb_term_taxonomy” was missing (you’ll notice “sb” prefix instead of “wp”, because I changed it for security reasons.)
    -I created it manually (phpMyAdmin > select your DB > create a new tab > name it wp_term_taxonomy (or another prefix depending on your other tabs name)
    -Then select your tab, and “insert”
    term_taxonomy_id > function (leave blank) > value : 1 (or whatever you want)
    term_id > function (leave blank) > value : 1 (or whatever you want)
    taxonomy > function (leave blank) > value : nav_menu
    count : > function (leave blank) > value : 5

    And it worked !! I can now create and edit menus !!
    Please, if you try this solution, SAVE YOUR DATABASE BEFORE DOING IT (please really do it), in case of problem, you’ll need it if you want to back up. I precise that I’m a beginner, so this is not a certain solution, but It worked for me.

    -FRench version

    -La table “sb_term_taxonomy” était manquante dans ma base de données (vous remarquerez que j’ai mis “sb” au lieu de “wp”, car j’ai changé les préfixes pour des raisons de sécurité)
    -Donc il faut la créé manuellement (phpMyAdmin > séléctionnez votre base de données > “créer une nouvelle table” > nommez la wp_term_taxonomy (ou avec un autre préfix selon le nom de vos autres tables)
    -Ensuite séléctionnez cette nouvelle table créer, et faites insérer.
    term_taxonomy_id > fonction (laissez vide) > value : 1 (or whatever you want)
    term_id > fonction (laissez vide)) > value : 1 (or whatever you want)
    taxonomy > fonction (laissez vide) > value : nav_menu
    count : > fonction (laissez vide) > value : 5

    Et ?a a marché !! Je peux désormais créer et éditer mes menus.
    Svp, si vous tentez cette solution SAUVEGARDEZ VOTRE BASE DE DONNEES AVANT (faites le vraiment), en cas de problèmes vous en aurez besoin pour faire un back-up. Je précise que je suis débutante, donc cette solution n’est pas s?re à 100% en tout cas elle a marché pour moi !

    Hope this we’ll help people who meet the same issue !
    Bye !

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