• Resolved SAY


    Please tell me how I can translate the lock page into my native language. Transfers to Loco did not yield any results. Perhaps I can somehow fix this in the files themselves.
    Скажите пожалуйста, как я могу перевести страницу блокировки на свой родной язык. Переводы в Loco недали ни какого результата. Возмодно я как-то могу это дело поправить в самих файлах.

    screenshot – https://images.vfl.ru/ii/1619930377/7abef6c2/34299266.png

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @kalidarn,

    We are currently working on a translation project to make Wordfence more accessible to sites from different locales, but as it currently stands, editing the page yourself manually would be overwritten when product updates are released.

    Wordfence 7.5.0 included a translation-readiness update where all user-facing text is now run through WordPress’s i18n functions. Further updates will be coming soon so keep an eye on the release notes. We really appreciate you highlighting how important this is to you and are working hard to make it happen!



    Thread Starter SAY


    Спасибо большое, буду ждать очередное обновление. ??

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