• Resolved mstudioIL


    I have other user working on the site with Admin rule and they don’t see the default settings like the site name on the page and any when they make changes to the SEO and save them, after the page is reload the changes they made are gone. I as Admin can save the the changes are saved. How do I fixed this?

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  • Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @mstudioil

    What is the version of Yoast SEO and WordPress on your site?

    Could you please share with us screenshot of what your other admins see when they are trying to check the default settings?

    Please provide us with screenshots that highlight the issue you are experiencing. You can use any image-sharing service like https://pasteboard.co/, https://snag.gy/, https://imgur.com/, https://snipboard.io/, or even upload the screenshot to your own website. Once you upload it to an image-sharing service, please share the link to the image here.

    Thread Starter mstudioIL


    Yoast?is 23.2 and WordPress is 6.4.5. It don’t explain why I can edit the SEO on the page the other person can’t. You need the screenshot of the page they are trying to edit or the Yoast setting? what setting you need to see on Yoast?

    Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @mstudioil

    I am sorry that you are facing this and I need more information to understand the issue.

    You mentioned “.…they don’t see the default settings like the site name on the page and any when they make changes to the SEO and save them, after the page is reload the changes they made are gone. “

    When you say default settings, are you referring to Yoast SEO metabox from the post or page edit screen or the settings area from WordPress dashboard > Yoast SEO > Settings > General area that is missing from your users [with admin role]?

    Thread Starter mstudioIL


    Yes, I can see these and other Admin can’t see them and when the save the changes they made they are not saved.

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Can you ask one of the other admins to take a screenshot of what the settings look like for them, so we understand the issue?

    Thread Starter mstudioIL


    I asked them, I waiting for their reply

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