• Hello!

    I’m looking for a solution to have a daily newspaper ported on wp. Are there some plugins available which allow linking articles with daily editions, publishing or unpublishing the editions and retrieving editions from archive?

    Thanks for your spent time for reading this!


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  • Though I love WP… I don’t think there is anything available to “group” posts in daily editions.
    You should probably try to find some other publishing platform.

    I am afraid it is not about a theme. It’s a question of organizing the content in “daily editions” which is impossible with WP.
    At the moment I know only of one (open source) software that is suitable for this task:

    There might be other or better solutions as moshu listed, but surely we would not say something like this is ‘impossible’ with WordPress. There are many ways.

    One idea. Each edition could be a WordPress “Page.” When the day is over you can change the Page to “draft” instead of “Publish” and it will disappear from your site. You would either create the page manually each day (hey, it’s easier than laying-out a real newspaper and printing it on a news press).

    Another way. If you are happy to let yesterday’s and last month’s editions remain on the site in older Archives. Then you can basically use WordPress as-is, you post all the daily articles, and you use htaccess or a plugin to make your Monthly or Weekly or Daily Archive (automatically created by WP as-is) as your homepage. Therefore the homepage shows always the posts of today only.

    Another way. Make a custom-query for your homepage which calls only posts with a date that matches today’s date. Do not show links to older archives if you don’t want them.

    Another way. Use WordPress as-is and get the Post Control plugin, use it to manually publish and unpublish multiple posts in 1 admin page.

    Just look at the new site of NewYorkTimes.com if you need more ideas. I don’t know if they use WP now but their site could be made with WP.

    Each edition could be a WordPress “Page.” When the day is over you can change the Page to “draft” instead of “Publish”

    Pages don’t have “draft” status.
    (and as a former journalist and editor at a daily newspaper I might have an idea what would be the requirements for a pro daily newspaper…)

    I mispoke then. If you can’t make a Page into a Draft, but you can unpublish it.

    I have been in journalism for 15 years myself, working with the web for 8, and on WordPress for 1. I have not made an online newspaper per-se but I believe that any kind of text publishing is perfectly possible with WordPress.

    He said it is a Daily Newspaper, he didn’t say it was a professional site. If it was, he might hire a web developer (who already knows their CMS options) not trying do-it-yourself web publishing. WordPress is great for small town newspapers, magazine websites, college newspapers, etc.

    Great, then you understand perfectly that my concern is NOt about just “publishing” (I agree, with WP you can do almost anything!) – it is about being able to present/display the content organized in “daily editions”.

    The closest is what you suggested here:
    Another way. Make a custom-query for your homepage which calls only posts with a date that matches today’s date. Do not show links to older archives if you don’t want them.
    though I’d think having accessible archives is a must… but in this way they would be displayed as a daily archives view of posts.

    [OK, the “impossible” maybe was too strong, but it’s too much tweaking and headache to do it with WP ;)]

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