As to the fonts and margins in the editor, what the theme is supposed to do is load the “front-end” CSS (bootstrap.css, theme-base.css, theme-flat.css) when the editor is being used so that it attempts to present the page like how it will look on the “front end”. However, there may be some differences but the intent is for fronts and other styling to look the same.
I’m glad you asked this question because there are some issues with how I implemented this. Back in v1.3 I changed the way fonts are loaded to avoid using @import in CSS and instead load them via PHP. However, the PHP doesn’t get triggered when in Admin, so it wasn’t loading the fonts. In addition, I’m not sure all the other styles were being pulled in either.
So I’ve updated the code and it will be in the next release, probably v1.6. If you want to fix it yourself in the current version, edit the functions.php to change this line:
add_editor_style( '/css/editor-style.css' );
to remove the beginning “/” like this:
add_editor_style( 'css/editor-style.css' );
Then replace out ALL the @imports in the editor-style.css file to be this instead:
@import url( '../bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css' );
@import url( '//,400,700');
@import url( '//,300,700');
@import url( '../font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css');
@import url( 'theme-base.css' );
@import url( 'theme-flat.css' );
@import url( '../style.css' );
What was done here was to add the @imports for the header and body fonts as well as font-awesome (icons).