OK, I downloaded a fresh copy of the plugin. I then grepped for the offending function:
grep -r nxs_updateGetImgsX *
inc/nxs_functions_wp.php:// if (!function_exists(“nxs_tiny_mce_before_init”)) { function nxs_tiny_mce_before_init($init) { $init[‘setup’] = “function(ed) {ed.on(‘NodeChange’, function(e){nxs_updateGetImgsX(e);});}”; return $init; }}
js-css/js.js://function nxs_updateGetImgsX(e){ } jQuery(document).on(‘change’, ‘#content’, function( e ) { nxs_updateGetImgsX( e ); });
nxs_functions.php: if (substr($tinymce_version,0,1)<4) $init[‘setup’] = “function( ed ) { ed.onChange.add( function( ed, e ) { nxs_updateGetImgsX( e ); }); }”; else
nxs_functions.php: $init[‘setup’] = “function(ed) {ed.on(‘NodeChange’, function(e){nxs_updateGetImgsX(e);});}”;
nxs_functions.php: function nxs_updateGetImgsX(e){ }
nxs_functions.php: jQuery(document).on(‘change’, ‘#content’, function( e ) { nxs_updateGetImgsX( e ); });
nxs_functions.php: function nxs_updateGetImgsXX(e){
readme.txt:* Bug Fix – [Critical] Javascript Error – nxs_updateGetImgsX is not defined
readme.txt:* Bug Fix – Javascript Error nxs_updateGetImgsX.
As you can see there are still many references in the code.
Test: edit a post, double click on a word to highlight it, and then CMD+K (or the “make a link” toolbar button).
Screen shot with plugin enabled, where the link operation fails: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwx1s6rlplxf3f6/with.png?dl=0
Screen shot with plugin disabled, where the link operation works:
Please advise.