• Resolved martijnox


    I have some technical problems with the page editor, pasically it doesn’t work.
    If I go to Appearance – Editor, I get the menu on the left, but on the right I just get the slim loading line which fills to about 25% and then keeps hanging there. I can leave the screen for hours, won’t change.
    Some part of the left menu seems to work. But for instance when I click on Navigation, I see a menu where I can’t add any page to. I created 5 pages, and I only see 4 in the editor. Though in my live website I see all 5. It looks like I can change their order in the editor, but it doesn’t change the order on my live website. Also I get a small popup saying “You do not have permission to edit this menu”.

    Also I can go to patterns – footer, and I can even adjust one of the footer templates to my liking. It also saves. But I cannot find any place to choose this footer in my website (it still displays the default footer). I have the feeling this should also be possible in the editor which isn’t loading.

    I disabled all my plugins and I tried Opera browser aswel as Chrome.
    What is going wrong here? I have the feeling I’m missing out on a lot of features here.

    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by martijnox.
    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by martijnox.
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  • Hi @martijnox – sorry to hear about the issues you are facing.

    Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing in the editor? Also, can you open developer tools in your browser (instructions here) and and then reload the page and share a screenshot of any errors in the console?

    Finally, can you please deactivate all plugins again (every single plugin… not just those that are related to the theme/editor) and also try switching to the default 2024 theme and let us know if the problem continues?


    In addition to @clubkert testing steps, you could look at the Tools -> Site Health panel to see if there are any issues with the REST API (or with the site in general)

    Thread Starter martijnox


    Thanks for the quick reply! As you asked:
    https://imgur.com/wrsP0xF This is what I’m seeing. Weirdly enough it loads till 25% and gets stuck there, unless I click all the menu options on the left. Then with every one of them, the bar loads further, until I have a fully black loading bar and it’s still stuck there.

    When on the same screen, the developer tool gives the following twice:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 ()

    After I click some menu’s so the bar loads further, it looks like this: https://imgur.com/zJOzDsA

    Meanwhile the Issues tab looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/KMD6ZdA.png

    Setting it back to the standard 2024 theme gives exactly the same results. and all plugins have been disabled.

    The Tools – Site Health gives this: https://i.imgur.com/3uDiDAI.png

    I wish I was better at this, but it’s a lot of gibberish to me. I’ve had this WordPress website for years and years, and maybe all the wordpress updates broke something at some point. it would be a-ma-zing if you have any idea how to help me with this error!

    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by martijnox.

    Hi @martijnox thanks for the screenshots.

    Can you confirm that this same issue happens with no plugins active and the default 2024 theme active?

    Also, which hosting provider do you use?

    Based on the 405 errors you are receiving, it looks like this is potentially an issue with your hosting. All of the those requests are using the REST API to retrieve data and because they are not working, the screen is not loading correctly. I would open a ticket with you host to see if you’re being rate limited or parts or the REST API are being blocked.

    Can you edit regular content in the post editor? Are there any issues in the Site Health screen related to REST API?

    Thread Starter martijnox


    Good to know! I have my hosting via an old friend. I will drop him this link and see what he says.

    I can edit regular pages, and the screenshot I sent from the Site Health page is all there is, nothing related to Rest API.

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