• Resolved OpenCopy


    with the plugin enabled our Divi page edit screens are loading twice.

    We have change the theme and system status details below.


    ## System Status ##
    :: 2024-07-11 @ 00:59:25 UTC

    ? Writable wp-content Directory
    ? 1

    ? Writable et-cache Directory
    ? 1

    ? PHP: Version
    ? 8.2

    ? WordPress Version
    ? 6.5.5

    ? PHP: memory_limit
    ? 512M

    ? PHP: post_max_size
    ? 128M

    ? PHP: max_execution_time
    ? 300

    ? PHP: upload_max_filesize
    ? 128M

    ? PHP: max_input_time
    ? 180

    ? PHP: max_input_vars
    ? 3000

    ? PHP: display_errors
    ? 0

    ? Dynamic CSS
    ? on

    ? Dynamic Framework
    ? on

    ? Dynamic JavaScript
    ? on

    ? Critical CSS
    ? on

    ? Static CSS
    ? on

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  • Plugin Support M. Asif Hossain


    Hello @opencopy ,

    We are sorry for the late reply. Other factor could be make this issue. We can assure you that our plugin is not directly causing this issue.

    There are multiple reasons these issues would happen.

    1) Our Plugin bug/error.

    2) PHP Version of your Hosting Server

    3) Cache issue.

    4) Third-party Plugin Conflict issue.

    5) Custom CSS and Custom JS code script conflict.

    6) Update WordPress, Plugins, and Themes

    7) Check the memory limit of PHP and WordPress?

    Notice: Before doing this, ensure you have a full backup of your website, including your WordPress Database.

    1) Find Our Plugin bug/error: Please activate WordPress debug mode and send us the debug log file or the error messages. Also, check your following webpage console error using Google Chrome. Consol Error check the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/5TjoFxCvi7qA

    Also, look for error logs in the server error logs or check the “debug.log” file in the “wp-content” directory.????

    2) PHP Version of your Hosting Server: The PHP version of your web server may be causing the issue. It could be old PHP versions like 5.4 or the latest version like 8.1.9

    So please mention the PHP version of your web server/hosting server. 

    (Install this plugin “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin URL: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/health-check/

    You will see all the information about your WordPress site, including the PHP version).?

    3) Clean the Cache: Remove/delete any types of cache files to see if it is resolved or not.

    Browser cache, Divi et-cache, WP-Rocket, and Divi Rocket’s server-wide caching could be the reason also.

    Here is a small video about this:

    Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzZAUtb4_Qc

    4) Avoid Third-party Plugin Conflict: Deactivate all plugins except our plugin. Activate the deactivated plugins, test them, and monitor which plugin causes the conflict. Or deactivate all plugins and reactivate them one by one to identify the plugin that might be causing the issue.

    5) Remove Custom CSS and Custom JS code script: If you have inserted any Custom CSS and JS code script in your website, please temporarily delete all custom CSS and JS code scripts.?

    6) Update WordPress, Plugins, and Themes: Ensure that your website is running the latest version of WordPress, plugins, and themes.

    7) Check the memory limit of PHP and WordPress: Here are some general recommendations for memory limits based on the type of WordPress website you have:

    Small website with basic functionality and low traffic: 128MB
    Medium-sized website with some plugins and moderate traffic: 256MB
    Large website with many plugins and high traffic: 512MB or more

    If you are unsure what memory limit is right for your website, you can contact your hosting provider for assistance.

    Here are some tips for increasing your WordPress memory limit:

    Edit your wp-config.php file. Add the following line to the bottom of the file:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
    Use a plugin like WP Memory Usage: This plugin can help you monitor your memory usage and see if you need to increase your limit further.
    Contact your hosting provider: If you are unable to increase your memory limit yourself, you can contact your hosting provider for assistance.

    Best Regards,
    Asif Hossain,
    Plugin Support

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