• Resolved Butterfingers


    The following CSS for the block editor is provided by the plugin:

    .block-editor-block-list__layout.is-root-container .wp-block:not([class*="container"]) {
      max-width: 100%;

    This makes every block that isn’t a container block have a max-width of 100% in the editor (it has no impact on the rendered page). As far as I can tell without extensive testing, disabling the rule doesn’t have any impact aside from allowing the default max-width for blocks to take effect, which it’s unnecessary for this plugin to override.

    Please remove this rule.

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  • Plugin Author Miles


    Hi @cantbelieveitsnotbutter,

    Thanks you for taking the time to report this issue. A potential temporary fix to this would be the below which you could use until I have had chance to make an update. Add this to your functions.php file. This will enable you to specify the max-width of the editor for specific post types.

    function override_editor_width_styles() 
    	// Get current screen details
    	$current 			= get_current_screen();
    	// Specify new max width for editor content
    	$max_width 			= '840px';
    	// Add custom post type slugs that you wish to override the width
    	$inc_post_types = array(
    		// Any additional post types that you wish to override
    	// Check current screen has a post type and is included in our allowed list of post types
    	if ( !empty( $current->post_type ) && in_array( $current->post_type, $inc_post_types ) ) {
    		// Add override styles
    		echo '<style>
    			.block-editor-block-list__layout.is-root-container .wp-block:not([class*=container]) {
    			    max-width: ' . $max_width . ';
    			.block-editor-block-list__layout.is-root-container .wp-block[data-align="wide"]:not([class*="container"]) {
    			    max-width: 100%;
    			.block-editor-block-list__layout.is-root-container .wp-block[data-align="full"]:not([class*="container"]) {
    			    max-width: none;
    add_action( 'admin_head', 'override_editor_width_styles' );

    Unfortunately, I can’t just remove this rule as users who have a full width layout on the front end will not see an accurate preview in the editor. However, to make sure users like yourself that do not want a full width layout also see an accurate preview, I can make it so this style can be overwritten within the Bootstrap options. If I add an option where you can specify the editors max-width, would that resolve the issue for you?

    Thanks in advance for your reply,


    Thread Starter Butterfingers


    Hi @areoimiles,

    Thanks very much for the prompt reply and the function.

    A plugin option to override the rule isn’t necessary for recent versions of WordPress. Since WordPress 5.9.0, the function wp_get_layout_style in file wp-includes/block-supports/layout.php (line 47 at the time of this writing) loads a max-width: none rule for .alignwide that is more specific than the plugin’s rule. I’ve tested this in the editor, and when a block is assigned .alignwide the CSS inspector clearly shows it overriding the plugin’s rule, and indeed, the block displays at full width. There’s nothing to break by removing the plugin’s rule for WordPress 5.9.0 or newer.

    Adding just a few styles to the plugin for strip, container, and row blocks to display at 100% in the editor addresses that need without forcing all other blocks which aren’t within one of those blocks to display in the editor at full width.

    The use of this plugin should compliment the core block editor experience and not require that every post use its blocks as parent blocks for core blocks. This is especially true when the plugin is added to a site with existing post content, the layout of which will appear incorrect in the editor when the plugin is activated unless that content is updated to use the plugin’s blocks, an onerous task for a site with even a small amount of existing content.

    For older versions of WordPress, if the plugin were to respect settings.layout.contentSize in theme.json by default (if that file and setting is present), with an option to override that in the plugin settings (either by using a user-entered value or by falling back to the plugin’s rule, the former of which I believe would be the only option for versions of WordPress older than 5.8.0 not using the Gutenberg plugin), that would solve the problem. Additionally, it would make sense to conditionally add the rule based on the version of WordPress, so it only applies to versions older than 5.9.0, where it might be of use. Again, removing the rule entirely and replacing it with styles for strip/container/row blocks to display at 100% would be a better solution.

    There may be some edge cases I haven’t addressed here, but I believe these are the most common scenarios.

    Thread Starter Butterfingers


    The following CSS-only solution is working for me (running WordPress 6.0):

    // file: all-bootstrap-blocks/src/_editor.scss
    .block-editor-block-list__layout.is-root-container { // line 113
        // Remove
        .wp-block:not([class*='container']) {
            max-width: 100%;
        // Remove
        .wp-block[data-align="wide"]:not([class*='container']) {
            max-width: 100%;
        // Core WordPress does this as of 5.9.0 in function wp_get_layout_style 
        // in file wp-includes/block-supports/layout.php, but it's probably fine to
        // leave it if it helps with backwards compatibility
        .wp-block[data-align="full"]:not([class*='container']) {
            max-width: none;
        // Add
        .wp-block {
            .wp-block-areoi-row {
                max-width: none;
    Plugin Author Miles


    Hi @cantbelieveitsnotbutter,

    Thanks for the very detailed response. Point taken! I will look to introduce this in the next update which should be either this week or next. If you could use a workaround for the time being and I will drop you an update once this is resolved. Thanks for your patience and your help improving the plugin.



    Thread Starter Butterfingers


    Thanks very much, @areoimiles, and thanks for developing this plugin!

    Plugin Author Miles


    Hi @cantbelieveitsnotbutter

    I have just released an update that should resolve this issue for you. Let me know if you continue to have problems and I will take another look. Thanks again for flagging this and for helping with the solution… much appreciated!



    P.S: if you like our plugin and are happy with the support we have provided, we would really appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to leave us a positive review.

    Thread Starter Butterfingers


    Solved. Thank you very much for this!

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