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  • If you have a look here there’s a good explanation of what’s causing your problem.

    So if you find the below block of code in category-custom-post-order/includes/posts_order.php and change where it says ‘manage_options’ to ‘manage_categories’ that will enable editors to use this plugins features. Obviously it’s not ideal to edit a plugin directly, but as there is no filter this is probably the best you can do. Remember to make the change again if this plugin gets updated, because this change will likely be overwritten.

    public function admin_menu() {
    		$page_hook_suffix = add_submenu_page( null, __('Order posts', 'post-sorter'), __('Order posts', 'post-sorter'), 'manage_options', 'sort-page', array( $this, 'admin_page' ), 0 );

    Hope this helps!

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