Electronic Music of Brainvoyager
I’m very proud of my WordPress website. The word ‘very’ is to be considered as a major understatement though.
I’m curious what other members of this forum will think of it.
My website is all about electronic music. You see, I’m a musician.
I hope that you will take a look. And if you do, I wish you a very pleasant stay! Here too the word ‘very’ is to be considered as a major understatement!
My URL: https://brainvoyagermusic.com
How do I turn off your music on the Home page?
Edit: NVM found it – Please make that more apparent. A pause button should be right at the top of your website. Otherwise people using assistive technologies may not find it (i.e they’ll just leave your site).
Your site looks nice and theme is classy and professional but i think you could use some light colors too.
You have a good point Andrew. Will see to that. Thank you very much!
Thank you very much for your comment Download Convertor! But the current color scheme of my website is deliberately chosen. Why you may ask? Because I like this color scheme and I think it defenitely goes well along with the music genre. In the end it’s also a matter of taste of course. More colors will come as the content grows, like album covers, images etc. And that way the attention will be drawn towards all the things that really matter.
Hi Andrew Nevins,
I didn’t want to screw up my homepage by putting the player on top of it. So I solved it another way. What do you think?
?? Nice
Also have you considered adding a focus style to links? E.g,
a:focus { outline: 2px solid white; }
At the moment it’s pretty difficult to use your site if you’re not using a mouse. Try using the tab key on your keyboard to get around the site to explore this. You won’t be able to find where you are on the page because the default focus indicator has been disabled.
Andrew, thanks again for your advice! I will do anything that will make my site more useful for my visiters.
But I’m not sure what you mean? Where do I have to put that code and what does it do? In what respect is my site difficult to use?
Hope to hear from you again. Thanks in advance!
Some people use their keyboards to navigate around a website rather than a mouse.
People can skip to and from all the different links, or general interactive HTML elements, on a website by using the ‘Tab’ key on their keyboard. When a link has been jumped to by using the tab key it is known as being “focused” or having “focus”.
The default appearance for focused elements is a dotted border. You’ve probably seen this before somewhere on the Web.
For example try going to www.ads-software.com’s home page and pressing your keyboard’s ‘Tab’ key to skip between links. On www.ads-software.com you can understand which link you’ve tabbed to because it is highlighted with a dotted border.
On your site, however, there is no dotted border around links when they are focused, nor any appearance change. This makes navigating your website pretty difficult to people who use the keyboard.
Where do I have to put that code
Unfortunately www.ads-software.com doesn’t support commercial products, so we can’t help you with where to put CSS.
and what does it do?
When links are focused to that CSS puts a white border around them.
Andrew, I succeeded in making that focusing option to work. Is this what you mean?
3 new questions now though…
1. With the tab I can jump from the link most left to the link most right & from the links on top to the links at the bottom of my pages. But with what key I can jump backwards? I think it would make sense to be able to jumpo backwards aswell.
2. When I jump to ‘News & Discussion’ in the top menu, I don’t get the pull down menu. How can I solve this?
3. I do not like the white line. It’s to thick and I want it yellow, the same yellow as used elsewhere on my pages. How can I achieve this?
I hope I’m not annoying you too much with my questions. But I’m pretty new to this world of creating websites. You see, I’m only a musician. Anyway, I apparantly found the right place in my theme to put the CSS-code in. I think I like CSS!
I appreciate your help very much. I never thought that I could make (should make even) my website navigable by using only a keyboard!
Backwards = Shift+Tab!!!! ??
Geesh. I answered question 1 myself.
I just succeeded in making that white line less thick. CSS can be easy I see. But I’m a complete newbie as far as it code concerns. But I want it yellow…
Question 2 still stands…
But with what key I can jump backwards?
Shift & Tab.
When I jump to ‘News & Discussion’ in the top menu, I don’t get the pull down menu. How can I solve this?
It’s fine not to have a pull down menu focusable as long as the content within the pull down is available on the page that the top-level menu item links to. For example, pressing the “News & Discussion” link in your menu will lead to a page that has the links, “All categories”, “News”, “The tracks”, etc.
The logic behind that is because some people have a lot of links in their pull down menus. Have you seen something called a “mega menu”? So people using the keyboard (or assistive technologies) will have to skip all of the content in the pull down to get to the next menu item. Some people with motor disabilities may be using a head wand, for example, which means they’ll have to exert more effort when using a site than a mouse user because they have to skip more stuff.
I do not like the white line. It’s to thick and I want it yellow, the same yellow as used elsewhere on my pages. How can I achieve this?
You can change the thickness and colour by modifying the snippet I sent you.
Try this instead:a:focus { outline: 1px solid #fedab6; }
I hope I’m not annoying you with too much my questions.
Not one bit.
Thanks a lot again Andrew!!!
I just implemented all you told me and It works like a charm!!!
Is this exactly what you meant? Or do you see things I missed?
Is this exactly what you meant?
Yes. That is what I meant.
I also noticed that you’re missing a level 4 and 5 heading on the Home page. There is a level 3 heading, “Welcome to the deepest part of the internet” and then the level 6 headings, “The name Brainvoyager”, “Influences”, “Two requests of me” and “Enjoy & Share!”.
To illustrate what I mean see this: https://snag.gy/YVXtn.jpg .
If you’re not aware, heading levels should proceed one another without missing levels.
Different heading levels can be used by people with assistive technologies to build up a conceptual model of the webpage. They can see that the content underneath a level 2 heading relates to a level 1 heading, for example.
When there are gaps between heading levels the conceptual model can be disrupted. People can become confused as to why they have suddenly jumped from a level 3 heading onto a level 6. They may think that they have accidentally skipped 2 levels of content.
Try to avoid using gaps between heading levels.
In your case you could not use level 6 headings there and instead use level 4 headings. You may have to rename some CSS selectors to accomplish this.
Alternatively add level a level 4 and 5 heading underneath the “Welcome to the deepest part of the internet” heading.
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