Thanks to you my site gets better and better from a technical point of view. Thank you very much. I’m new in this world of website building and WordPress. I just wanted something simple that would enable me as a musician to present my music to the world. I’m an autodidact and I never thought that my site would evolve to what it is now. WordPress is just great and the fact that you can choose from so many premium themes is great as well. I realize that this vast variety in themes can be a con at the same time. But I’m still very happy with my theme that I bought on Themeforest from BrutalDesign. It’s the MusicPro theme and it can be customized as I wish.
I still have one issue though…
If you look at this page you can see seven images. On all the laptops and desktops I’ve been using (with IE and Chrome), these images have a slider bar on their right sides. But not on my iPad. When you click on an image, you will land on the single products page. There you see exactly the same image, but now it doesn’t have that slider bar .
How can I get rid of that slider bar? The images are not too big, I tried to make one a lot smaller but the slider bar got smaller too and stayed were it was.