• Resolved becreativestudio


    Good morning I have a problem that in match of elementor fields that are sent to hubspot.
    I have a step form with request for these Fields: “name”, “city”, “email” etc etc these fields take them correctly and send them to my list on hubspot. But the “message” field which is a field on multiple rows I cannot in any way send it to the lists, is there any way to be able to send them? should I map it differently?

    Other thing I would need to also send the campaign utm’s directly to the lists so if I fill out form then if in the url I have utm source:google&medium:cpc&campaign:brand I would like to send precisely the three fields to the lists with information
    is that possible?

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  • Plugin Support harthur90


    Hi, Thanks for your message

    Could you send me the link to the form you are trying to map?

    For your second question, I would suggest two approaches:
    1) Using HubSpot workflows to fill the mentioned fields if a condition match
    2) You would need to programmatically add this hidden inputs to your form before the submission

    Best regards

    Thread Starter becreativestudio


    Assuming I can catch the information from the utm url led slip it into a hidden field from your documentation?https://knowledge.hubspot.com/forms/use-non-hubspot-forms?KBOpenTab?I read that it is not possible to submit hidden fields. Can you confirm that it actually sends them anyway?

    Link to form made with elementor https://bit.ly/3QW1Jap does not send the message field

    Plugin Support harthur90


    Hi, thanks for your reply
    Sorry for my confusion, what I meant was a regular input field – hidden with css.
    I’ve take a look into your form and while HubSpot may infer some of the inputs into HubSpot properties its recommended that the name of the input match the HubSpot property.

    Currently I see at the message textbox the following value name=”form_fields[messages]”, would it be possible for you to change this value to the same property name you want to map?

    Please refer to this section https://knowledge.hubspot.com/forms/use-non-hubspot-forms?KBOpenTab#mapping-non-hubspot-form-fields-and-hubspot-properties

    Let me know if this works!

    Thread Starter becreativestudio


    I have already followed these steps and I have reverified them now… I have a field that is called “message” and I created specific property with same name and verified the key for link and they match, i have try also with field “note”, I did same thing with city and in fact it works perfectly.

    As anticipated I think the problem is related to the multi-line field because the message field on one line would be unmanageable for a customer to tell his story.

    Is there a solution to send also multirow fields? because from how I read from your documentation it is not possible to link them https://knowledge.hubspot.com/it/forms/use-non-hubspot-forms assuming I have not misunderstood.

    Plugin Support harthur90


    HI @becreativestudio you are right, I’ve double checked and at the moment is not possible to link multirow fields. You would either have to:

    • Use HubSpot API instead
    • Use HubSpot forms
    • Change the input type of the field

    Plugin Support harthur90


    Close due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open if needed
    Best regards

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