Elementor show featured image
I’m trying to see the featured image in a template I’m building with Elementor for a Custom Types, but I’m unable to make it work.
When I create the post I put there a Featured Image FIFU, but I don’t know how to make it show in Elementor.
Any clues ?
thank you
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hi, @txsastre.
Please access FIFU > Status. Copy and send me the data.
hi Marcel, here you are.
Featured Image from URL (FIFU):3.9.6; WordPress:6.0; Site:https://museu.incaciutat.com; Theme:Hello Elementor; PHP:8.1.5; WooCommerce:; Pages:185; Posts:474; Products:; Images without dimensions:2; URLs with metadata:103; URLs:28; php-curl:yes; Max lenght:2048; Plugins: - Advanced Custom Fields (acf) - All-in-One WP Migration (all-in-one-wp-migration) - Appointment Hour Booking (appointment-hour-booking) - Autoptimize (autoptimize) - Broken Link Checker (broken-link-checker) - Code Snippets (code-snippets) - Custom Post Type UI (custom-post-type-ui) - Duplicate Menu (duplicate-menu) - Duplicate Page (duplicate-page) - Dynamic Visibility for Elementor (dynamic-visibility-for-elementor) - Ele Custom Skin (ele-custom-skin) - Elementor (elementor) - Elementor Pro (elementor-pro) - Embed Plus Plugin for YouTube (youtube-embed-plus) - Featured Image from URL (FIFU) (featured-image-from-url) - Feeds for YouTube (feeds-for-youtube) - GDPR Cookie Consent (cookie-law-info) - Integromat Connector (integromat-connector) - iThemes Security (better-wp-security) - Jetpack (jetpack) - Media Cleaner (media-cleaner) - Menu Item Duplicator (menu-item-duplicator) - Modern Events Calendar Lite (modern-events-calendar-lite) - Page Links To (page-links-to) - Post Type Switcher (post-type-switcher) - Really Simple SSL (really-simple-ssl) - UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore (updraftplus) - W3 Total Cache (w3-total-cache) - WebP Converter for Media (webp-converter-for-media) - WooCommerce (woocommerce) - WooCommerce Payments (woocommerce-payments) - WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache (wp-optimize) - WPForms Lite (wpforms-lite) - WP Mail SMTP (wp-mail-smtp) - WPML Multilingual CMS (sitepress-multilingual-cms) - WPML SEO (wp-seo-multilingual) - WPML String Translation (wpml-string-translation) - WP Statistics (wp-statistics) - WPvivid Backup Plugin (wpvivid-backuprestore) - Yoast SEO (wordpress-seo); Active plugins: - sitepress-multilingual-cms - advanced-custom-fields - appointment-hour-booking - better-wp-security - broken-link-checker - code-snippets - cookie-law-info - custom-post-type-ui - ele-custom-skin - elementor-pro - elementor - featured-image-from-url - feeds-for-youtube - updraftplus - w3-total-cache - webp-converter-for-media - wordpress-seo - wp-seo-multilingual - wp-statistics - wpml-string-translation - wpvivid-backuprestore - youtube-embed-plus; fifu_auto_alt:toggleon; fifu_cdn_content:toggleoff; fifu_cdn_crop:toggleoff; fifu_cdn_social:toggleoff; fifu_check:toggleoff; fifu_column_height:64; fifu_confirm_delete_all:toggleoff; fifu_confirm_delete_all_time:; fifu_content:toggleoff; fifu_content_cpt:toggleoff; fifu_content_page:toggleoff; fifu_data_clean:toggleoff; fifu_decode:toggleoff; fifu_default_cpt:post,page,product,noticia_externa; fifu_default_url:; fifu_dynamic_alt:toggleoff; fifu_enable_default_url:toggleon; fifu_fake:toggleon; fifu_get_first:toggleoff; fifu_grid_category:toggleoff; fifu_hide_cpt:toggleon; fifu_hide_page:toggleoff; fifu_hide_post:toggleoff; fifu_lazy:toggleoff; fifu_ovw_first:toggleoff; fifu_photon:toggleoff; fifu_pop_first:toggleoff; fifu_query_strings:toggleoff; fifu_reset:toggleoff; fifu_run_delete_all:toggleoff; fifu_run_delete_all_time:; fifu_skip:; fifu_social:toggleon; fifu_social_image_only:toggleoff; fifu_spinner_db:1000; fifu_spinner_nth:1; fifu_wc_lbox:toggleon; fifu_wc_zoom:toggleon; Image: | https://db.gsstatic.es/sfAttachPlugin/getCachedCropContent/id/96845 |__ https://museu.incaciutat.com/?p=14148 | https://uh.gsstatic.es/sfAttachPlugin/getCachedContent/id/1992305/width/751/height/500 |__ https://museu.incaciutat.com/?post_type=noticia_externa&p=21162 | https://www.incanoticias.com/noticia.php?id=31878 |__ https://museu.incaciutat.com/?p=21033; Video:; Slider:; Shortcode:; REST routes: - https://museu.incaciutat.com/wp-json/:PHP; - https://museu.incaciutat.com/wp-json/:JS
You enabled “Hide Featured Media > on custom post type”. Try to disable that.
hi there, tried that but not working.
When creating a single post template, I see a widget called “Edit Featured Image from URL” but when I go to the settings it only asks me to put there a URL, I cannot refer to that with an ACF, that value seems not be able to be taken from de database.
So, I don’t know how to show the featured image from URL, or other image that it’s external.
When creating a single post template, I see a widget called “Edit Featured Image from URL” but when I go to the settings it only asks me to put there a URL, I cannot refer to that with an ACF, that value seems not be able to be taken from de database.
Yes, our widget isn’t very useful. It displays an image from URL, but it doesn’t set the image as the featured image. We’ll implement that in the next version, 3.9.7.
So, I don’t know how to show the featured image from URL, or other image that it’s external.
The current way is described in FIFU > Troubleshooting > Elementor (2020-04-03). But that’s not cool because “Featured Image” is a PRO element. And also because it’s necessary to access the regular WordPress editor.
But, with the changes, you’ll see a “(FIFU) Featured Image” element. With that, even users that don’t have Elementor PRO will be able to set and display the featured image.
Ok, I tried as you explained, and now it’s working.
Thank you very much.
Expecting the new version ??
I`m having the same problem as already described here, even after the 3.9.7 update.
When using the “Dynamic Posts Widget” in elementor pro (featured image is selected), no image is showing up.
If there is a solution or a work arround for it please let us know.
[UPDATE] After purchasing and installing the pro version of FIFU, it suddently wordked! Thanks for this awesome plugin!
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
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