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  • Plugin Support Ahmed Amir Hossain


    Hi @acwporg,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    The patch for this issue has been included in our latest release- (v2.9.1). Kindly update the ElementsKit Lite plugin with the latest version. Hopefully, You will not face this issue again. Let us know if you need additional assistance from us.

    Best Regards,

    My security plugin deactivates plugins with known vulnerabilities. When I reactivated your plugin I see that it is now at v2.9.2 – is this the latest release which has fixed the above referenced issue?

    Plugin Support Ahmed Amir Hossain


    Hi @username201701,

    Hope you are doing fine. Yes, please update the plugin with the latest version. I hope you will not get this issue again. Let us know if you face the issue again. We will help you to find a solution as soon as possible.


    Plugin Support Moin Munna


    Hello @acwporg ,
    I hope you’re doing fine.

    We have added a patch for the issue and PatchStack has already marked it as fixed. So I’m marking this thread as resolved. If you need further assistance, never hesitate to create a new thread. We are always here to assist you.

    Best Regards,

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